A framework to build any data applications entirely on the decentralized Web3 infrastructures

Hi everyone, let me share with you some great progress we have made on the library:

Demo: AAVE vault deposit amount from Jan 1st to Jan 10th

This demo shows how little code is required to load data from a subgraph and display it in a line chart. Earlgrey is the name of the library.

load_subgraph: This function does all the magic of loading data from a subgraph efficiently

  • It bypasses the page limit on the The Graph side. You can simply pass the start time and end time in the query and it takes care of the rest.
  • It automatically converts string type data (which is how the graph returns data) to its proper type based on the schemas of the subgraph
  • If your graph ql contains multiple entities, this function loads them concurrently to save time.

Plot the data on a line chart.

cc @adamfuller