It’s starting to feel like a broken record in here, I think we can all take some learnings from this whole experience and potentially look at ways that discussions can be moderated in a fair and effective manner going forward.
I don’t see why a fix similar to this cannot be implemented for delegators inline with this proposal, and would expect that it shouldn’t take too long to implement given we are mostly there with the fix here.
There is actually good reason for having rewards be made available for disposal upon minting, which you might have missed in the lengthy discussions here and that is for tax purposes. In my jurisdiction (and I’m sure others) the amount owed for tax is calculated at the point the tokens are generated, if the price of GRT dropped over the 28 days after minting and tokens were only able to be withdrawn with that delay then we would be paying additional tax out of our own pockets.
I can see you want equality for delegators @Derkhersh and I don’t blame you, but I think the best path forward for you to fight for this would be to try and push for a rewards destination address be implemented in a similar way for delegators via the thread linked above.