GIP-0002: Rewards destination for indexer's indexing rewards

Status update:

  • Testing by the community of indexers on testnet so far has showed no errors. Everything looks good.
  • Preliminary audit report from open zeppelin looks all good, only minor changes, mostly around documentation.
  • On track to do a snapshot vote this week on this proposal.
  • We are testing a safety script for updating on mainnet which is looking good.
  • The GIP process was laid out in the Townhall today, so now everyone should be able to understand how we will get this proposal to the Council.

So in summary I would say all the heavy lifting is done. It is mostly just coordination of all these moving pieces, and then also being extra careful with the actual upgrade on mainnet.

It is kind of hard to provide a final date for any of this stuff. I personally don’t really have any say here - ultimately it comes down to the council passing the vote. Once that is done, Edge and Node can deploy the fix to mainnet.

But, as someone reading through this forum and understanding what all of the moving parts mean, if I had to guess, maybe end of week next week?

I think overall as more GIPs are passed, everyone will understand the timelines on these proposals better. Even from the councils perspective - this is their first proposal they must vote on. Some of them are very busy with their full time jobs and likely the coordination around the vote might take a few days longer than it will in the future when these processes are streamlined.