Core development notes and updates

Some quick updates:

  • Figment’s Tendermint Pull Requests are in final review across graph-node, graph-cli and graph-ts.
  • A Pull Request for Solana support is open, and there has been significant progress on the Solana Firehose.
  • Ethereum Firehose support is at the final integration testing phase. In addition StreamingFast have added indexing of contracts and event signatures in the Firehose so they can be easily filtered, which will radically improve sync performance for sparse subgraphs.
  • Blockstream pipelining has been merged, and is live on the Hosted Service, reducing sync time for subgraphs which spend a lot of time scanning for events. Discussing optimisations to make this work better for dynamic data sources.
  • Store pipelining is in review, which will be especially beneficial for subgraphs which read and write a lot to the store as part of their mappings.
  • There is an open Pull Request for immutable entities, which will improve write and read times for entities that will never be updated.
  • graph man run, which runs a subgraph for a given range of blocks, has been adopted across teams for easily testing & comparing indexing performance. A range of other graph man commands are in progress, in particular to improve database interactions for indexers.
  • Limechain’s Subgraph Forking work (previously discussed as Simple Integration Testing) has been merged, and will be available in the next release of Graph Node. This should significantly improve the debug experience for subgraph developers.
  • Graph Node’s GraphQL execution has been refactored, making it significantly easier to add new features. The Guild have introduced GraphQL Validations, and are working on GraphQL versioning, which will unblock a lot of new GraphQL features (a lot of which are already ready to go!)
  • There is a proposal for a standard network configuration as part of graph-cli, to make it easier to update and add to subgraphs during development.
  • Significant R&D progress has been made on multiblockchain POI, and introducing more streaming into Graph Node - watch this space.

Far from comprehensive (as per the original message in this thread). Questions welcome!