Starting a thread here for ongoing notes and updates from some of the teams working on core components. This aims to be informative and interesting, rather than comprehensive.
GIP Process Review: given the increase in contributors in recent months, The Foundation have been reviewing the GIP process, and how it is tracked across teams and participants.
Unattestable Indexer Responses GIP shared by Jannis last week in the Forum, feedback welcome!
The Firehose has been integrated into Graph Node as a new Blockstream, with testing underway for Ethereum indexing. The initial priority is consistency in indexing output with the existing RPC-based implementation. We will be looking to work with indexers on testing the Firehose once that is done.
There are a few open threads on multiblockchain: NEAR integration and testing is ongoing across Graph Node, graph-ts and graph-cli. StreamingFast are actively working on Solana indexing, while Figment are integrating further chains with Graph Node via a Firehose.
Last week we discussed some of the Proof-of-indexing issues that have surfaced on the network for certain subgraphs. Ethereum client differences appear to be correlated, but more investigation is needed. New tooling for diagnosing divergences have recently been worked on by E&N, and a working group is planned to investigate further, as well as investment in more diverse integration tests, given the increasing complexity of the network.
A parallelism working group was kicked off last week, with participation from E&N, StreamingFast and Figment. This will be an ongoing effort, looking to optimise the existing Graph Node implementation to be more parallel, while also thinking about “step change” parallelism opportunities (research led by StreamingFast).
Comments, questions and feedback welcome!