My metamask account was hacked and all funds taken. ALOT.
My GRT is in the midst of being undelegated.
I have requested help. someone from The Graph using this website Portal ( was helping me stop the undelegation and have the funds and hacker address stopped. BUT, they asked to have my keys inputed to connect a wallet. Does this seem correct? Can anyone help?
There is no way to stop an undelegation, anybody claiming to be able to do it is trying to scam you, even if they claim to be from The Graph.
There was an indexer Michael from DecisionBasis that has helped a few people in the past if you want to join their TG - Telegram: Contact @db_indexer
Front running your attacker and sending the funds to a wallet you control once withdraw is available will be the only way to have a chance at this afaik. As @PaulieB mentioned decision basis has helped user/s in the past with this. @inflex
I’ve helped numerous people in same situation, it indeed requires sharing the private key. Only do so with someone you trust. Can dm me in telegram @inflex for more details and eli5.
It sounds like you have nothing to lose.
I can vouch that @inflex has helped a few people with this already and they have sang his praises in telegram for helping.
He has definitely achieved this and become the go to person on things like this.
Michael from decisionBasis was AWESOME. Honest and very helpful. He successfully beat the hacker to my undelegating GRT, resulting in a full recovery of funds. He can be reached at Telegram: Contact @db_indexer