Introducing The Graph’s Technical Advisory Board

Thank you for the nomination @Tachi!

To answer the additional questions:

Views on The Graph’s Vision:
The Graph Network effectively transforms blockchains into decentralized knowledge bases that can serve as a source of Truth for any use case. As onchain activity becomes more complex, we will need a diverse set of tools and perspectives to be able to decode and interpret that activity into actionable insights. To echo @abourget , substreams (and The Graph more broadly) is the intelligence layer of web3.

Recommended Data Service for The Graph:
To reiterate what some other candidates have suggested, I also believe that adding a SQL service (especially on a column-based store) to the Network could be very valuable. It would expand the Networks user base to those with a more analytics-focused skillset by providing a decentralized alternative to dune and nansen. In addition, it lays the groundwork for a semantic layer that could integrate all the data indexed by the network in an intuitive way, thereby bringing greater accessibility and clarity to the Network.


Hello! I would like to nominate Ford.

  • Full Name. Ford Nickels
  • I am nominating myself or someone else. Someone else
  • Address or ENS used to participate in the network (specify all of them). (Ford to provide)
  • Discord username. @fjjjord
  • Forum username. @Ford
  • Email/Telegram for contact for an interview. Ford at edgeandnode dot com
  • Why do you want to nominate yourself (or the person you are nominating)? Ford has deep expertise and experience on all aspects of The Graph. As an engineer and engineering manager at Edge & Node he has contributed to almost all aspects of the indexing software and network components, and he has significant operational experience managing E&N’s indexers on the network. I believe he would bring a lot of value to the technical advisory board.
  • Please list yours, or your nominee’s, skills and areas of expertise: Indexer components, Graph Node, network components, arbitration, core developer processes
  • Yours, or your nominee’s, views on The Graph’s vision. [Ford to provide]
  • What’s the next data service you, or your nominee’s, think The Graph should add to the protocol, and why. [Ford to provide]
  • Please provide yours, or your nominee’s, contributions to The Graph ecosystem up to date. See above, Ford has been an instrumental contributor to core software as well as the operations of the network since it began.
  • Any additional information you would like to include as part of your, or your nominee’s, application. As well as a wealth of expertise and experience, Ford brings a thoughtful, deliberate and kind approach to everything he does.

Hello everyone, let me nominate myself :slight_smile:


Hey, Graph Community,
On behalf of I would like to nominate myself

Full Name: Anton Gaev
I am nominating myself or someone else: myself
Address or ENS used to participate in the network (specify all of them): p2p-org.eth, booster-p2p-org.eth, pillar-p2p-org.eth, p2p-org-arbitrum.eth, p2p-org-booster.eth
Discord username: toxf1
Forum username. toxf1
Email/Telegram for contact for an interview:
Why do you want to nominate yourself (or the person you are nominating)? As the product manager of an indexer with the largest delegation pool and one of the largest self-stakes I would like to represent our tokenholders. We at P2P community are huge believers in The Graph ecosystem and we want to collaborate on increasing the usage of the protocol for it to enhance its value and to enrich web3 ecosystem with new and better ways to develop dApps and services.

Please list yours, or your nominee’s, skills and areas of expertise:

  • Former Team Lead Data Analyst of the Ethereum ecosystem and current Product Manager of The Graph and L2s with extensive knowledge in all mentioned projects
  • As a representative of one of the largest validators and one of the biggest infrastructure providers of web3 ecosystem with over $1.5B AuM we have an extensive network of connections with all major protocols, dApps, blockchains and other web3 participants
  • ZK: One of my responsibilities within P2P is also leading our ZK research and infrastructure - this knowledge can also be applied within the future Graph development strategy

Yours, or your nominee’s, views on The Graph’s vision.: The Graph is already represented for several years on the market and it has a big number of stakeholders, including indexers, delegators, curators, GRT holders and most importantly - the customers of the protocols that make the queries. The Graph also has a big number of protocols already built using the technology, so, it already has some legacy and responsibility in front of all stakeholders. The protocol should develop and evolve, but not disregarding the trust of all people that believed and have been investing into The Graph for all those years.

What’s the next data service you, or your nominee’s, think The Graph should add to the protocol, and why: In general, I agree with the firehose & substreams visions mentioned above with the inclusion of more chains. Regarding further development (in years) I would like The Graph to evolve into a complete DWH solution with some SQL-like computations made on top of the data already being provided.

Please provide yours, or your nominee’s, contributions to The Graph ecosystem up to date.:

  • P2P has created a variety of dashboards to support decision-making for the protocol participants
  • We have initiated the movement of altruistic indexers that support as many subgraphs as possible (including older versions) for the protocol usage while burning all gathered rewards to support its altruistic nature

Hey all, I would like to nominate @hhkyen from GraphOps :rocket:

  • Full name: Hope Yen
  • Eth Address: 0xE9a1CABd57700B17945Fd81feeFba82340D9568F
  • Discord username: hhkyen
  • Forum username: hhkyen
  • Telegram: hhkyen
  • Why do you want to nominate yourself (or the person you are nominating)?
    I nominate Hope, because I believe they bring a unique, deeply technical perspective across the board, covering multiple parts of the Graph stack.
  • Please list yours, or your nominee’s, skills and areas of expertise: Hope is good at understanding new technologies, protocol economics, mathematical models. Hope is also working on robust programming practices and architectural designs. They’re good at explaining complex concepts in simple words with teaching assistant and tutoring experiences.
  • Please provide yours, or your nominee’s, contributions to The Graph ecosystem up to date:
  1. Operated three large indexers from July 2021 to July 2022
  2. Wrote graphprotocol/allocation-optimizer with a partner from Semiotic
  3. Contributed 55 PRs in graphprotocol/indexer
  4. Supported discord channel from time to time
  5. Participated in The Graph forum posts, Indexer office hours, and other discussions
  6. Main technical contributor to graphops/graphcast, graphops/subgraph-radio, graphops/listener-radio, and others
  7. Leading rewrite of indexer-service in Rust
  • Yours, or your nominee’s, views on The Graph’s vision: I will let @hhkyen speak on this
  • What’s the next data service you, or your nominee’s, think The Graph should add to the protocol, and why: Again, @hhkyen can articulate this best :fire:
  • Any additional information you would like to include as part of your, or your nominee’s, application: I would like to finish this nomination post by re-iterating my belief that Hope is an exceptionally talented, experienced, thoughtful person, driven by endless motivation to further the Graph’s mission and goals. I think they’re input on the Technical Advisory Board would be foundational.

Thanks @AxiomaticAardvark very much for the nomination! Here I come to complete the blanks :slight_smile:

  • Yours, or your nominee’s, views on The Graph’s vision: The Graph has been established as a seminal innovation in the decentralized data infrastructure landscape, as it significantly improved the readability and usability of blockchain data. I support The Graph’s vision of a future in which anyone can granularly and efficiently query blockchain datasets without a need to trust a particular data provider, allowing information to become fundamental building blocks of social infrastructures on the web. I believe that allowing symmetric dissemination of data is a crucial step toward a more efficient and equitable society. As we navigate the complexities of the blockchain era, I would like to contribute to The Graph for it to become a beacon for advanced, vast, accessible, and decentralized data architectures.
  • What’s the next data service you, or your nominee’s, think The Graph should add to the protocol, and why: I think The Graph should incorporate json-rpc as its next data service. There’s evident demand for this service both within The Graph community and the broader ecosystems. There’s also evident supply for this service as indexers are already required to have rpc providers as a dependency to indexing. For an existing indexer, supporting this service alongside their current indexing services is arguably the most straightforward option. This service allows the dev team to quickly experiment what is needed for adding a new service in the protocol from end-to-end. Furthermore, it’s integral to the way data seamlessly flows throughout the network, enhancing interoperability. On a personal note, I’m keen on contributing to add the files data service later on. This initiative could swiftly onboard indexers to new data services, lower entry barriers, and expand the economies of scale for indexers. Coupled with data verifiability, file sharing could eliminate redundant tasks and heighten resource efficiency for all involved indexers. I also advocate for the introduction of SQL and LLM data services. SQL would make The Graph’s data accessible to analytical and big-data-centric applications, whereas LLM would enable a broader audience, even those without technical backgrounds, to query database information in natural language.

Thanks again for the nomination! (p.s. I also second the nomination to Juan and Ford


This is an impressive array of candidates, each of whom bring their own aspects of expertise and focus. Most are well known throughout the community, and we owe a great deal to those who have worked thousands of hours in the shadows. Abhay Singh is one of the more visible nominees, but I have appreciated his focus on meeting specific needs within the community. Web3 at large wrestles with the conundrum of “What we Need Now” vs “The Ideal Solution”, and Abhay would provide a valuable perspective here.


After beginning the process of assessing candidates for the TAB, the Council became aware that the TAB initial members is missing representation of economics and research-focused expertise, that is critical for evolving the protocol and long-term research. As such, the TAB is being amended to have a starting membership of 6 members and is requesting nominations for a research and economics focused individual to join.
The nominations for this will be open for the next 19 days, till December 15th, 2023.
Original post edited to reflect this update.


Hi all! I’m nominating myself for the research-focused position on the TAB.

  • Full Name: Anirudh Patel
  • I am nominating myself or someone else: Myself
  • Address or ENS used to participate in the network (specify all of them): 0x75395521cF90160FB5b0Df2f7D647E86825EdA87
  • Discord username: @anirudh_a_p
  • Forum username: @anirudh
  • Email/Telegram for contact for an interview: anirudh at semiotic dot ai
  • Why do you want to nominate yourself (or the person you are nominating): The position focuses on research and economics. My expertise aligns well with that description. As a core dev, I’ve contributed within pecon on a variety of efforts. I see this position as another way to use my skills to benefit The Graph.
  • Please list yours, or your nominee’s, skills and areas of expertise: My background is as a multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) researcher. This gives me three skills valuable to this position. Firstly, as a researcher, I can quickly read and understand pretty mathematically dense papers. Secondly, given my background in MARL, I understand game theory (fundamental in economics). Finally, I’ve often had to communicate complex research topics to non-technical people. This skill set would help me to quickly understand new topics, discuss with the pertinent experts, and communicate my findings to the Council. components, Graph Node, network components, arbitration, core developer processes
  • Yours, or your nominee’s, views on The Graph’s vision.: The ultimate value of The Graph is what benefits it can provide to consumers. I believe we are in a unique position to create a protocol that serves data more cheaply and at a higher quality. This is my highest priority.
  • What’s the next data service you, or your nominee, think The Graph should add to the protocol, and why: I believe the SQL data service will have the highest value. At Semiotic, we’ve already done significant validation of this data service. If we can reduce SQL infrastructure costs for existing Web3 companies, that would be a big win.
  • Please provide yours, or your nominee’s, contributions to The Graph ecosystem up to date.: I’ve contributed to a variety of pecon efforts, to AutoAgora and to the Allocation Optimiser, and to initial investigations in the SQL and AI data services.
  • Any additional information you would like to include as part of your, or your nominee’s, application.

Thank you to all candidates who applied for the Technical Advisory Board. The Foundation and Council are excited about the TAB to support and elevate core dev efforts and technical progress in The Graph.

The Council has voted on 6 initial members of the TAB:

As the TAB kicksoff and develops a cadence to collaborate with the Council and Core Devs, they will share updates in the Forum, Core dev calls and other public venues.


Congratulations to all the new TAB members.