The Graph Council - Meeting #8 Notes

Council members value transparency and have agreed to follow Chatham House Rules for sharing meeting notes. On Tuesday, June 29, 2021, The Graph Council held its 8th meeting.


Council Members (“Members”)
Michael Anderson
Jim Cousins
Yondon Fu
Gary Morris
Justin Moses
Spencer Noon
Santiago Palladino
Brandon Ramirez
Yaniv Tal

The Graph Foundation
Eva Beylin, Director, The Graph Foundation (the “Foundation”)

Notetaker: Jeremy Sklaroff, Edge & Node Ventures, Inc. (“Edge & Node”)

Council Business
The meeting commenced at 11:06am PDT.


GIPs & Protocol Updates

A member reminded the Council to sign in-queue protocol upgrades which were already presented and approved by the Council.

A member discussed other potential GIPs that are under consideration, including some to optimize protocol economic design around curation tax and flatting the curation bonding curve. The member discussed ongoing efforts to perform technical and economic analyses of the potential GIPs before they are ultimately introduced as formal GIPs.

In response, a member asked about what process the Council should follow in considering those potential GIPs and approving them. The presenting member described the specific justifications for the GIPs that are under consideration and shared more general thoughts about what burden of proof should be required for various types of protocol adjustments. The member suggested that Snapshot signal votes would be appropriate for some of the potential GIPs.

The presenting member gave an update on the arbitration charter, including plans to incorporate feedback that has been provided in the forums. The member reminded the Council that the Council should plan to ratify a canonical version of Graph Node, though there are dependencies for that which are in the process of being resolved. A member stated that Indexers are beginning to feel there is ambiguity as to how they should perform their indexing activities due to the lack of a ratified Arbitration Charter. The presenting member responded that they are in the process of incorporating community feedback on the charter and that it is a priority item.

Core Dev Grants

A member discussed the highly positive outcome from the announcement of the Streaming Fast core dev grant. The member discussed technical priorities for that team, including on multi-blockchain expansion efforts. The member discussed other potential core dev grants.

The Foundation director updated the Council that protocol town halls will be converted to core dev calls to integrate new core devs into The Graph ecosystem.

Wave 2 Grants Update

The Foundation director gave an update on Wave 2 ecosystem grants, as well as other grants that the Foundation is considering.

Council Charter

The Council ratified the draft Council Charter that was previously circulated. The Charter received 8 affirmative votes and 1 abstention.