JSON-RPC API for all TheGraph indexers by Anyblock

Hi guys,
in case you don’t want to run your own node or you are not happy with your current setup:
We offer a high-traffic JSON-RPC API for all TheGraph indexers, including archive data with tracing (OpenEthereum nodes). High reliability & hands-on support from fellow German Indexer https://www.anyblockanalytics.com/.
Sync your subgraphs with 20% discount on your first bill: thgrphfrm → Landingpage

We are a German blockchain company supporting multiple blockchains with JSON-RPC and data indexing tools. Anyblock has been an Indexer for TheGraph since The, and has extensive experience running professional infrastructure for different Ethereum-based chains, as Chainlink oracle node operator, etc. If you need reliability, great support, and a genuine understanding of your particular setup, we can help!


Increase your indexing rewards!
Have you seen our Allocation Optimization script for Indexers from Anyblock?

On a side note, we are happy to have onboarded our first users for high-traffic #JSON_RPC API to sync their subgraphs with us.
Sync your subgraphs with 20% discount on your first bill: thgrphfrm → Click here


Hello @freddy_anyblock, thank you for your announcement!

It can be very interesting as a primary or a backup solution for Ethereum JSON-RPC.

We are trying to get more information about your service/infrastructure.

  1. In your documentation Main Ethereum Network

    The network is supported by Geth, Parity, Nethermind and Hyperledger Besu, and many more.

    Is there other nodes like you described - OpenEthereum/Erigon?

  2. Where your nodes are located EU/US?
    We just did some test from AWS-US and looks like reply from your nodes are 15 time higher than using our own ones:

    --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_blockNumber","params":[],"id":1}'`
    # Local
    real    0m0.048s
    real    0m0.029s
    real    0m0.029s
    # Anyblock
    real    0m0.722s
    real    0m0.454s
    real    0m0.447s

    We just see CDN IP’s and without caching. Probably nodes can be far from our location.


Hey @stmx38 !

Happy to answer your questions:

  1. We’re currently using a mix of Geth, OpenEthereum and Erigon for Ethereum Mainnet.

  2. The servers and API are located in Germany, but since The Graph does Batch-Requests, single round-trip doesn’t matter that much.

I hope I could answer your questions sufficiently. Let me know if you have any further questions.


@yarkin_anyblock, thank you!

Is there a way to get an endpoint for just one type of the node, for example OpenEthereum or Erigon only?

Per our discussion we can use only these nodes for Tracing requests.

And how things are changed in relates to the This is the beginning of a new chapter…?
I mean should we consider to use anyblockanalytics.com or blockdaemon.com?