Pinax January 2024 Update

:woman_astronaut: Summary

Happy New Year! Along with a short break over the holidays, the Pinax team has deployed Firehose and RPC services for 5 new chains, published 4 new videos and 10 blog posts, onboarded 3 new students to our intern program to learn Firehose & Substreams, and have begun experimenting with developing Substream-powered indexing tech for inscriptions.

:tada: Looking back (what was delivered)

Provide infrastructure for chains currently supported on The Graph & to support protocol integration with new chains

  • Now serving Firehose/RPCs for 5 additional blockchains:
    • EOS-EVM substreams (using RPC poller)
    • Bitcoin
    • Optimism
    • Zkatana
    • Osmosis Firehose live again
  • Updated Antelope Firehose to v5.0.0-rc3+ binaries after completing battlefield testing

Education, onboarding & community support for Indexers and Developers working with new data services

Collaboration with core developers and new consumers on designing and testing new data services while augmenting the Indexer experience with new tooling

:rocket: Looking ahead (upcoming priorities)

Provide infrastructure for chains currently supported on The Graph & to support protocol integration with new chains

  • More RPC nodes for more blockchains to support the chain integration process and the upgrade indexer.
    • Ronin
    • Arbitrum-one (classic + nitro)
    • Astar (rpc poller)
  • Align with InfraDAO on the onboarding and documentation process for new chains.

Education, onboarding & community support for Indexers and Developers working with new data services

  • Exploring opportunities to collaborate with AdvocatesDAO, IndexerDAO, and BuildersDAO to relaunch The Graph Academy.
  • More documentation on Firehose & Substreams.
  • More Substreams Unleashed videos and blog content.

Collaboration with core developers and new consumers on designing and testing new data services while augmenting the Indexer experience with new tooling

  • Determine priorities for Pinax in “world of data services.”
  • Kubernetes-Launchpad: substreams tier1/tier2 testing.
  • Work with GraphOps on Kubernetes deployment for Firehose with alerting.
  • Develop more robust and general-purpose Inscriptions API, powered by Substreams.
  • Adding Substreams support for Arweave firehose (port to firehose-core).
  • RPC authentication.
  • More Substreams and loading data into ClickHouse with webhooks + API.
  • Clickhouse data loading for SQL.