Pinax May 2024 Update

:woman_astronaut: Summary

Over the past month Pinax has continued to add RPC, Firehose & Substreams support for more chains, added more hardware to our data centres for improved resiliency and expansion of services, collaborated with StreamingFast to bring payments for Firehose & Substreams services to the network, deployed a Geo testnet rollup, and published a whole pile of educational and promotional content while participating in a number of live events. All of that and more - read on to learn about it all!

:tada: Looking back (what was delivered)

Provide infrastructure for chains currently supported on The Graph & to support protocol integration with new chains

  • Continued adding support for new chains that are on the roadmap for the Chain Integration Process. Working with InfraDAO.
  • Continued adding support for chains currently available on the Hosted Service in preparation for the Sunrise of decentralized data, so that our indexer can support Subgraphs being migrated to the network.
  • New hardware deployed at our data centres:
    • +1 PiB HDD
    • +700 TiB NVME
    • +10 epyc servers
  • Improved data centre resiliency.

Education, onboarding & community support for Indexers and Developers working with new data services

Collaboration with core developers and new consumers on designing and testing new data services while augmenting the Indexer experience with new tooling

  • Save The Blobs - EIP-4844 work:
    • Reprocessed Optimism mainnet, Optimism sepolia, etc. for blob metadata.
  • We’re now sending Firehose & Substreams usage data to StreamingFast to facilitate payments via The Graph network.
  • Shared some Ethereum parquet files to Messari for testing a potential new datasets service.
  • Token API progress: 160 billion+ rows added in ClickHouse (EOS token transfers).
  • Geo Testnet rollup Firehose running with submitting a token transfer transaction every 15 minutes to keep the chain moving.
  • Erigon Firehose comparison results shared.

:rocket: Looking ahead (upcoming priorities)

Provide infrastructure for chains currently supported on The Graph & to support protocol integration with new chains

  • Optimizing our indexer to use multiple shards.
  • More RPC nodes for more blockchains to support the chain integration process and the upgrade indexer, in preparation for the sunrise of data services.
    • Solana and others.

Education, onboarding & community support for Indexers and Developers working with new data services

  • More documentation on Firehose & Substreams.
  • More videos and blog content.

Collaboration with core developers and new consumers on designing and testing new data services while augmenting the Indexer experience with new tooling

  • Develop “substreams init” for Antelope.
  • Load testing Substreams data into ClickHouse (including changes to substreams-sink-sql).
  • Continue working on CSV/parquet sink.
  • Kubernetes-Launchpad: storage/monitoring/etc rollout.
  • Test verifiable Firehose.
  • Determine Architecture for Substreams:SQL.
  • Integrate with StreamingFast payment gateway for Firehose & Substreams service payments on The Graph network.
  • Antelope V6 Firehose development and testing.
  • Exploring rollups as a service on The Graph.