Request for information about disputes #GDR-23

The Arbitrators are contacting Indexer address 0xe13840a2e92e0cb17a246609b432d0fa2e418774 (lunanova-indexer.eth) and fisherman 0x1ed0c56b75838e9788ae83b26d80c0c3a353e249 about a new Dispute filed in the protocol.

Dispute ID: 0x0e314bd3c6f83bd90d8b8b9f55ce68d3aff56bd6454e0086a5b9967cde6df6ed

Subgraph deployment ID: QmRM3wyF3d76L6PP79GxCcSSdFAKEv6AtivfFr4c7RELSR

To the fisherman, could you share the data you gathered that led to you filing the dispute? Please provide all relevant information and records about the open dispute. This will likely include POIs generated for the affected subgraph(s).

Purpose of the Requirement

This requirement is related to the following dispute:

Dispute (0x0e314bd3c6f83bd90d8b8b9f55ce68d3aff56bd6454e0086a5b9967cde6df6ed)
β”œβ”€ Type: Indexing
β”œβ”€ Status: Undecided (0.00 days ago) [48 epochs left to resolve]
β”œβ”€ Indexer: 0xe13840a2e92e0cb17a246609b432d0fa2e418774
β”œβ”€ Fisherman: 0x1ed0c56b75838e9788ae83b26d80c0c3a353e249
β”œβ”€ SubgraphDeployment
β”‚  └─ id: 0x2cad565522817104e42bb2f6c2200079d76827a2f60476ff1460ff492e71b5f6 (QmRM3wyF3d76L6PP79GxCcSSdFAKEv6AtivfFr4c7RELSR)
β”œβ”€ Economics
β”‚  β”œβ”€ indexerSlashableStake: 259524.712892720112006194 GRT
β”‚  └─ indexingRewardsCollected: 36.197228632158808192 GRT
β”œβ”€ Allocation
β”‚  β”œβ”€ id: 0x6e4cb16d9b519056ded7271330f44bff3b21d82f
β”‚  β”œβ”€ createdAtEpoch: 729
β”‚  β”œβ”€ createdAtBlock: 0x4ba09563a83187ee02dd7028c97c875ccd81bb35a84a10d45c4d8a69f6b53685
β”‚  β”œβ”€ closedAtEpoch
β”‚  β”‚  β”œβ”€ id: 736
β”‚  β”‚  └─ startBlock: 0x461e9cfd509911337d62189f5be7d36a9db1e8b1699e8a556ff16ef940c95c62 (#21324737)
β”‚  └─ closedAtBlock: 0x0ae34c0a4e778bca4f673caf5228e69505682ca62a1e354bb7ac84149d72de0a (#21329577)
└─ POI
   β”œβ”€ submitted: 0xa5130d48a714d22733f90426f3503c84deb22a1132f395a49125efa5081c4252
   β”œβ”€ match: Not-Found
   β”œβ”€ previousEpochPOI: Not-Found
   └─ lastEpochPOI: Not-Found

About the Procedure

The Arbitration Charter regulates the arbitration process. You can find it in Radicle project ID rad:git:hnrkrhnth6afcc6mnmtokbp4h9575fgrhzbay or at GIP-0009: Arbitration Charter - HackMD 3.

For communications, please use this forum.

1 Like

Thank you @tmigone. This dispute is about POI 0xa5130d48a714d22733f90426f3503c84deb22a1132f395a49125efa5081c4252 having been used 7 times on a healthy subgraph. This can be verified with this query on the Graph Network Arbitrum subgraph:

  allocations(where:{poi: "0xa5130d48a714d22733f90426f3503c84deb22a1132f395a49125efa5081c4252"}){

The indexer submitted 20 POIs that were not duplicate prior to that point for the subgraph. However starting in August through December the same POI has been repeated seven times.

The upgrade indexer and streamingfast report an error, but the other indexers currently active on the subgraph have correctly submitted at least 35 non-duplicate POIs on this subgraph during the same timeframe, with nobody else having submitted a duplicate POI on the subgraph:

I am only allowed 1 image as a new user on the forum, you can find the rest here: GitHub - doc-poi/disputes

Could the indexer please provide additional information about why the same POI was used 7 times to close allocations on this subgraph?

@daviesthomas appreciate the thorough investigation. Let’s wait to hear from the indexer.

1 Like

I do not speak for any indexer, but I believe in fairness among all indexers, so I’ll share some thoughts.

This subgraph is flagged with a deterministic error.

A determinstic fatal error occured at block 20243414: transaction ff13ada1d989429b4ae0eb06523f2dc30a023fed64fcc28f852b48e6c49e0130: error while executing at wasm backtrace: 0: 0xd2a7 - !src/common/transactions/createWithdrawTransaction 1: 0xd739 - !src/mappings/helpers/createWithdraw 2: 0xd82a - !src/mappings/handlers/handleWithdrawn: Mapping aborted at src/common/transactions.ts, line 63, column 30, with message: unexpected null in handler handleWithdrawn at block #20243414 (10e950f41b6e65faf3647fc842c9d6abe21c47cb9092160d2502fd50ffaba4a3)

I have tried syncing this subgraph and encountered the error on block #20243414. Even the UpgradeIndexer has trouble syncing beyond this point. I believe the duplicate POI is generated by the indexer-agent, and the allocation can be closed as usual because of the deterministic error.

β€œThe indexer submitted 20 POIs that were not duplicate prior to that point for the subgraph. However starting in August through December the same POI has been repeated seven times.”

This is because block #20243414 occurred on July 5, 2024, at 10:52:59 PM UTC. Before this point, the subgraph did not have any issues, and everyone was able to sync and submit unique POIs as usual.

The fisherman also stated that

nobody else had submitted a duplicate POI on the subgraph,

Not true. There are multiple duplicate POIs from other reputable indexers, which I believe were caused by the same deterministic error after #20243414 occurred.

I tested using Graph Node v0.35.1 with two attempts to sync. The error occurred on the same block each time. I’m curious how the other five indexers managed to sync this subgraph. Are they using Graph Node v0.35.1 or v0.36.0 ?

Thank you for the due diligence @Inspector_POI, I appreciate you doing so. I had manually looked through every indexer active on the subgraph, and had not detected any other duplicate POIs among other active indexers. I do see some from other indexers now that were not flagged by a script I had made from indexers no longer active on the subgraph, and also curious as to how the other indexers are not encountering the error at block 20243414. I apologize to the indexer and the arbitrators for the mistake in mis-reporting no other duplicates from the non-active indexers on the subgraph. I am still detecting more unique indexers that submitted non-duplicate POIs since block 20243414 than those that submitted duplicate ones, but it does seem fair to not slash in this case if there is a legitimate problem with the subgraph, which didn’t seem like the case to me on the surface due to the other active indexers.

I will also mention that this indexer was flagged not only due to this case, but due to several other cases where they seem to be alone or in the minority when submitting duplicate POIs. Here is another case associated with this indexer: duplicate POI 0x865182c4550ec3de20d9b2f7e3c41206921e11dcc7a32c3a722348a46e9c612c on subgraph QmZFjpQvfc5MeFHsTVkF9hysJjPvZZPsPwyxgnSwafZkb7. Here I found 12 indexers with distinct POIs with this indexer having been the only to submit a duplicate and the subgraph appears healthy. @Inspector_POI let me know if you find different numbers/metrics here and think this was a valid POI. In aggregate it seemed to me that this indexer was submitting duplicate POIs not always legitimately, but if the arbitrators find that to not be the case, I would be pleased to have a non-slashing outcome. I encourage feedback on this other case as well. I appreciate everyone’s continued due diligence to make sure the process has a very high standard of integrity without false positives

No problem, good findings there @daviesthomas!

A determinstic fatal error occured at block 267447583: transaction d5a4de8b9a65be220d629689aa9d1ee5e0ebe4fa4abe4a646e02d9fcb0b8d7c2: error while executing at wasm backtrace: 0: 0x7fd3 - !~lib/@graphprotocol/graph-ts/chain/ethereum/ethereum.SmartContract#call 1: 0xba24 - !entities/TheGraphDelegationPosition/getDelegationTaxPercentage 2: 0x11387 - !mappings/v4/ExternalPositionManager/handleCallOnExternalPositionExecutedForFund: Mapping aborted at ~lib/@graphprotocol/graph-ts/chain/ethereum.ts, line 683, column 7, with message: Call reverted, probably because an assert or require in the contract failed, consider using try_delegationTaxPercentage to handle this in the mapping. in handler handleCallOnExternalPositionExecutedForFund at block #267447583 (306db6e567efce793156ef413ae29bb0defc6394714893c44124288037d9e160)

According to the subgraph deployment QmZFjpQvfc5MeFHsTVkF9hysJjPvZZPsPwyxgnSwafZkb7, it’s another subgraph with a deterministic error.

Have you tried syncing the subgraphs to confirm your findings?

1 Like

@daviesthomas, thank you for flagging this issue.
Thank you also to @Inspector_POI for providing some very useful input, it is much appreciated.

We have checked our logs from 4th December (the epoch in question): we did not submit a manual POI in order to close the allocation on subgraph with Deployment ID QmRM3wyF3d76L6PP79GxCcSSdFAKEv6AtivfFr4c7RELSR. As @Inspector_POI has suggested, the stale POI was provided by the Indexer Agent. Excerpts from our logs with comments are included below for clarity. Please let us know if you require any further details.

It is our understanding that the agent should only provide a stale POI for a subgraph where the error is deterministic – and it was also our understanding that a deterministic error should be experienced simultaneously by all indexers on that subgraph and should not be recoverable from. Given that some indexers have managed to overcome the issue we presume that there must be a discrepancy between the different indexer stacks (as already mentioned by @Inspector_POI).

Our subgraph deployment shows the error:
A determinstic fatal error occured at block 20243414: "transaction ff13ada1d989429b4ae0eb06523f2dc30a023fed64fcc28f852b48e6c49e0130: Mapping aborted at src/common/transactions.ts, line 63, column 30, with message: unexpected null\twasm backtrace:\t 0: 0xd2a7 - <unknown>!src/common/transactions/createWithdrawTransaction\t 1: 0xd739 - <unknown>!src/mappings/helpers/createWithdraw\t 2: 0xd82a - <unknown>!src/mappings/handlers/handleWithdrawn\t in handler 'handleWithdrawn' at block #20243414 (10e950f41b6e65faf3647fc842c9d6abe21c47cb9092160d2502fd50ffaba4a3)"

To clarify generally - since the agent has been able to generate POIs for deterministic failures, we do not manually generate or provide POIs when closing allocations.


# unallocate action queued via the CLI
Dec 04 12:36:21 lunanova-agent graph-indexer-agent[2210627]:
  "level": 20,
  "time": 1733315781891,
  "pid": 2210627,
  "hostname": "lunanova-agent",
  "name": "IndexerAgent",
  "component": "IndexerManagementClient",
  "actions": [
      "status": "queued",
      "type": "unallocate",
      "deploymentID": "QmRM3wyF3d76L6PP79GxCcSSdFAKEv6AtivfFr4c7RELSR",
      "allocationID": "0x6e4cb16d9b519056ded7271330f44bff3b21d82f",
      "force": false,
      "source": "indexerCLI",
      "reason": "manual",
      "priority": 0,
      "protocolNetwork": "eip155:42161"
  "msg": "Execute 'queueActions' mutation"

# unallocate action approved via the CLI - note null value for poi
Dec 04 13:02:40 lunanova-agent graph-indexer-agent[2210627]:
  "level": 30,
  "time": 1733317360074,
  "pid": 2210627,
  "hostname": "lunanova-agent",
  "name": "IndexerAgent",
  "component": "QueueMonitor",
  "protocolNetwork": "eip155:42161",
  "indexer": "0xE13840A2E92e0Cb17A246609b432D0fA2e418774",
  "operator": "0xF6Bad1DCa165c492006317B4f6E03a1eF5414E23",
  "approvedActions": [
      "id": 10610,
      "type": "unallocate",
      "status": "approved",
      "priority": 0,
      "deploymentID": "QmRM3wyF3d76L6PP79GxCcSSdFAKEv6AtivfFr4c7RELSR",
      "allocationID": "0x6e4cb16d9b519056ded7271330f44bff3b21d82f",
      "amount": null,
      "poi": null,
      "force": false,
      "source": "indexerCLI",
      "reason": "manual",
      "createdAt": "2024-12-04T12:36:22.521Z",
      "updatedAt": "2024-12-04T13:02:22.618Z",
      "transaction": null,
      "failureReason": null,
      "protocolNetwork": "eip155:42161"
      "id": 10609,
      "type": "unallocate",
      "status": "approved",
      "priority": 0,
      "deploymentID": "QmaAqQHCmACkd8HyreiMboMtPNCmtvVps9Ju5E4kNh6KAo",
      "allocationID": "0x95009482032ae25f776ae496158b6d08dedbb65e",
      "amount": null,
      "poi": null,
      "force": false,
      "source": "indexerCLI",
      "reason": "manual",
      "createdAt": "2024-12-04T12:36:20.678Z",
      "updatedAt": "2024-12-04T13:02:22.618Z",
      "transaction": null,
      "failureReason": null,
      "protocolNetwork": "eip155:42161"

# approved actions executed via the CLI (note POI at this point is still null)
Dec 04 13:57:53 lunanova-agent graph-indexer-agent[2211217]:
  "level": 20,
  "time": 1733320673880,
  "pid": 2211217,
  "hostname": "lunanova-agent",
  "name": "IndexerAgent",
  "component": "ActionManager",
  "function": "executeApprovedActions",
  "protocolNetwork": "eip155:42161",
  "approvedActions": [
      "id": 10605,
      "type": "unallocate",
      "status": "approved",
      "priority": 0,
      "deploymentID": "QmaD9zWMc6kQrBVbtjXNjNjbhpGWUHQFQdxABBEaVJqK5s",
      "id": 10610,
      "type": "unallocate",
      "status": "approved",
      "priority": 0,
      "deploymentID": "QmRM3wyF3d76L6PP79GxCcSSdFAKEv6AtivfFr4c7RELSR",
      "allocationID": "0x6e4cb16d9b519056ded7271330f44bff3b21d82f",
      "amount": null,
      "poi": null,
      "force": false,
      "source": "indexerCLI",
      "reason": "manual",
      "createdAt": "2024-12-04T12:36:22.521Z",
      "updatedAt": "2024-12-04T13:57:50.504Z",
      "transaction": null,
      "failureReason": null,
      "protocolNetwork": "eip155:42161"
      "id": 10600,
      "type": "unallocate",
      "status": "approved",
      "priority": 0,
      "deploymentID": "QmXcxzZioHXV5ts2UcG6gNNEayoaZ9ip7D9JvPS88K2HXe",
  "msg": "Found 11 approved actions for this network "

# batch validated
Dec 04 13:57:53 lunanova-agent graph-indexer-agent[2211217]:
  "level": 20,
  "time": 1733320673881,
  "pid": 2211217,
  "hostname": "lunanova-agent",
  "name": "IndexerAgent",
  "component": "AllocationManager",
  "protocolNetwork": "eip155:42161",
  "function": "validateActionBatch",
  "size": 11,
  "msg": "Validating action batch"

# batch ready (POI still null)
Dec 04 13:57:55 lunanova-agent graph-indexer-agent[2211217]:
  "level": 30,
  "time": 1733320675057,
  "pid": 2211217,
  "hostname": "lunanova-agent",
  "name": "IndexerAgent",
  "component": "QueueMonitor",
  "protocolNetwork": "eip155:42161",
  "indexer": "0xE13840A2E92e0Cb17A246609b432D0fA2e418774",
  "operator": "0xF6Bad1DCa165c492006317B4f6E03a1eF5414E23",
  "approvedActions": [
      "id": 10610,
      "type": "unallocate",
      "status": "approved",
      "priority": 0,
      "deploymentID": "QmRM3wyF3d76L6PP79GxCcSSdFAKEv6AtivfFr4c7RELSR",
      "allocationID": "0x6e4cb16d9b519056ded7271330f44bff3b21d82f",
      "amount": null,
      "poi": null,
      "force": false,
      "source": "indexerCLI",
      "reason": "manual",
      "createdAt": "2024-12-04T12:36:22.521Z",
      "updatedAt": "2024-12-04T13:57:50.504Z",
      "transaction": null,
      "failureReason": null,
      "protocolNetwork": "eip155:42161"
      "id": 10609,
      "type": "unallocate",
      "status": "approved",
      "priority": 0,
      "deploymentID": "QmaAqQHCmACkd8HyreiMboMtPNCmtvVps9Ju5E4kNh6KAo",
      "allocationID": "0x95009482032ae25f776ae496158b6d08dedbb65e",
      "amount": null,
      "poi": null,
  "msg": "Batch ready?"

# batch being executed (poi still null)
  "level": 30,
  "time": 1733320675057,
  "pid": 2211217,
  "hostname": "lunanova-agent",
  "name": "IndexerAgent",
  "component": "QueueMonitor",
  "protocolNetwork": "eip155:42161",
  "indexer": "0xE13840A2E92e0Cb17A246609b432D0fA2e418774",
  "operator": "0xF6Bad1DCa165c492006317B4f6E03a1eF5414E23",
  "actions": [
      "id": 10610,
      "type": "unallocate",
      "status": "approved",
      "priority": 0,
      "deploymentID": "QmRM3wyF3d76L6PP79GxCcSSdFAKEv6AtivfFr4c7RELSR",
      "allocationID": "0x6e4cb16d9b519056ded7271330f44bff3b21d82f",
      "amount": null,
      "poi": null,
      "force": false,
      "source": "indexerCLI",
      "reason": "manual",
      "createdAt": "2024-12-04T12:36:22.521Z",
      "updatedAt": "2024-12-04T13:57:50.504Z",
      "transaction": null,
      "failureReason": null,
      "protocolNetwork": "eip155:42161"
      "id": 10609,
      "type": "unallocate",
      "status": "approved",
      "priority": 0,
      "deploymentID": "QmaAqQHCmACkd8HyreiMboMtPNCmtvVps9Ju5E4kNh6KAo",
      "allocationID": "0x95009482032ae25f776ae496158b6d08dedbb65e",
      "amount": null,
      "poi": null,
  "note": "If actions were approved very recently they may be missing from this batch",
  "msg": "Executing batch of approved actions"

# allocation preparing to close (poi = "none provided")
Dec 04 13:57:55 lunanova-agent graph-indexer-agent[2211217]: 
  "level": 30,
  "time": 1733320675100,
  "pid": 2211217,
  "hostname": "lunanova-agent",
  "name": "IndexerAgent",
  "component": "AllocationManager",
  "protocolNetwork": "eip155:42161",
  "action": 10602,
  "allocationID": "0x26834a0a8a9aa19af100cf82d1ab4f45c6d3a41e",
  "poi": "none provided",
  "msg": "Preparing to close allocation (unallocate)"

# allocation closed (POI provided by the agent at this point)
Dec 04 13:58:01 lunanova-agent graph-indexer-agent[2211217]: 
  "level": 30,
  "time": 1733320681533,
  "pid": 2211217,
  "hostname": "lunanova-agent",
  "name": "IndexerAgent",
  "component": "AllocationManager",
  "protocolNetwork": "eip155:42161",
  "action": 10609,
  "deployment": {
    "bytes32": "0xafc88676236f1704a1bd94d7536f4ef79fcd4aa1dd12ad15fdb6aeb5d9b83b68",
    "ipfsHash": "QmaAqQHCmACkd8HyreiMboMtPNCmtvVps9Ju5E4kNh6KAo"
  "allocation": "0x95009482032Ae25F776AE496158b6d08deDbb65e",
  "indexer": "0xE13840A2E92e0Cb17A246609b432D0fA2e418774",
  "amountGRT": "1117.69",
  "poi": "0xf841a068d0e47f12ab4d7f191e7d7bbc35fb41b03ed5c09a7bc79c7e48ab7012",
  "transaction": "0xb97a4b13c330e834bfe19c9aa39a9a8a4097ac7c219799e1f79d71bc68f418c5",
  "indexingRewards": {
    "type": "BigNumber",
    "hex": "0x350370c878bb49c0"
  "msg": "Successfully closed allocation"

# transaction confirmed as closed
Dec 04 13:58:01 lunanova-agent graph-indexer-agent[2211217]: {
  "level": 30,
  "time": 1733320681533,
  "pid": 2211217,
  "hostname": "lunanova-agent",
  "name": "IndexerAgent",
  "component": "AllocationManager",
  "protocolNetwork": "eip155:42161",
  "action": 10610,
  "msg": "Confirming 'closeAllocation' transaction"

# allocation closed with POI provided by the agent
Dec 04 13:58:01 lunanova-agent graph-indexer-agent[2211217]: 
  "level": 30,
  "time": 1733320681537,
  "pid": 2211217,
  "hostname": "lunanova-agent",
  "name": "IndexerAgent",
  "component": "AllocationManager",
  "protocolNetwork": "eip155:42161",
  "action": 10610,
  "deployment": {
    "bytes32": "0x2cad565522817104e42bb2f6c2200079d76827a2f60476ff1460ff492e71b5f6",
    "ipfsHash": "QmRM3wyF3d76L6PP79GxCcSSdFAKEv6AtivfFr4c7RELSR"
  "allocation": "0x6e4CB16D9B519056deD7271330F44bFF3b21d82F",
  "indexer": "0xE13840A2E92e0Cb17A246609b432D0fA2e418774",
  "amountGRT": "29051.1",
  "poi": "0xa5130d48a714d22733f90426f3503c84deb22a1132f395a49125efa5081c4252",
  "transaction": "0xb97a4b13c330e834bfe19c9aa39a9a8a4097ac7c219799e1f79d71bc68f418c5",
  "indexingRewards": {
    "type": "BigNumber",
    "hex": "0x0481791183db7201e4"
  "msg": "Successfully closed allocation"

# rules updated by the agent after allocation closed
Dec 04 13:58:01 lunanova-agent graph-indexer-agent[2211217]: 
  "level": 20,
  "time": 1733320681778,
  "pid": 2211217,
  "hostname": "lunanova-agent",
  "name": "IndexerAgent",
  "component": "AllocationManager",
  "protocolNetwork": "eip155:42161",
  "action": 10610,
  "rule": {
    "allocationLifetime": null,
    "autoRenewal": true,
    "requireSupported": true,
    "safety": true,
    "identifier": "QmRM3wyF3d76L6PP79GxCcSSdFAKEv6AtivfFr4c7RELSR",
    "protocolNetwork": "eip155:42161",
    "identifierType": "deployment",
    "decisionBasis": "offchain",
    "id": 367,
    "allocationAmount": "141648350000000000000000",
    "parallelAllocations": null,
    "maxAllocationPercentage": null,
    "minSignal": null,
    "minStake": null,
    "maxSignal": null,
    "minAverageQueryFees": null,
    "custom": null,
    "createdAt": "2023-07-21T05:46:22.360Z",
    "updatedAt": "2024-12-04T13:58:01.769Z"
  "msg": "DecisionBasis.offchain rule merged into indexing rules"

Thank you, @Inspector_POI and @daviesthomas. We appreciate the work you’ve both put in, it’s very refreshing to see high quality discussion and investigative work being done in this area :star2:

We will validate the findings you’ve both shared, but if this is indeed a deterministic error then the dispute outcome would be a draw as specified in the Arbitration Charter. We will provide an update as soon as we review all the information.

In the meantime, 0xe13840a2e92e0cb17a246609b432d0fa2e418774 (lunanova-indexer.eth) if you can provide the following it would be useful information to have:

  • index-agent and graph-node logs
  • index-agent and graph-node software versions
  • are you using firehose?

Bare in mind the error is being thrown at block height 20243414 which is approximately Jul-05-2024.

1 Like

Thank you to you both. I would like to apologize for the indexer for coming to the wrong conclusions about the state of the subgraph. I would also deem it completely fair for me to lose my deposit, and for that to go to the indexer, that seems like a completely fair outcome for being incorrect in my statements. Thank you both for the continued discussion and attention

1 Like

This is Gemma from LunaNova - I have responded to the thread but my message was marked as spam, if somebody could approve it that would be much appreciated.

From our perspective we’re 100% happy with a draw - @daviesthomas you found a really unusual situation which will require further investigation - there’s no need for any punishment!

1 Like

Given the data provided by the Fisherman and Disputed Indexer, along with supporting evidence on the existing determinism bug from Inspector POI and the team, the Arbitrators resolve to draw the dispute.

We appreciate the the effort and collaboration in this investigation and have reached out to the graph-node team to conduct further investigation into the root cause.

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Dispute resolved with a draw. Tx hash: Arbitrum One Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | Arbitrum One

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