Request for information about disputes #GDR-4

The arbitrators are contacting indexer address 0x671bc7a0ffa02b0ee90ee03bcd11915df011503a nodehodler-com about disputes filed in the protocol.

To make the investigation as brief as possible, please provide the following information and any other relevant records about the open disputes:

  • Version of graph-node used.
  • Graph-node configuration in full.
  • Type and version of Ethereum node.
  • Table of PoIs generated by the affected subgraphs.
  • A dump of the call cache data from the database for the affected subgraphs.
  • Entity values as of the divergent block once identified.

This is not an all-inclusive list. Request for additional information may be made if considered necessary.

How to Get Relevant Data

You can use the following queries to extract information from the indexer software to be used in the evaluation.

# Get subgraphs schema
SELECT name FROM public.deployment_schemas where subgraph = 'QmTj6fHgHjuKKm43YL3Sm2hMvMci4AkFzx22Mdo9W3dyn8';

# Move to the subgraphs schema

# Dump PoI TABLE - (from outside of psql console but on server)
pg_dump --dbname="<YOUR_DB_NAME" --host=<DB_HOST> --port=5432 --username=<USERNAME>  --table='<SUBGRAPH_SCHEMA>."poi2$"' --file='<FILE_TO_SAVE_TO>'

# Dump call cache (on some setups this table may be in a different schema, check it with `select * from public.chains`)
pg_dump --dbname="<YOUR_DB_NAME" --host=<DB_HOST> --port=5432 --username=<USERNAME>  --table='public.eth_call_cache"' --file='<FILE_TO_SAVE_TO>'

Once a divergent block is identified:

# loop through all entity tables and get changes for that block
# for each entity table in subgraph deployment schema:
select * from <entity_table> where lower(<DIVERGENT_BLOCK>);

Purpose of the Requirement

This requirement is related to the following disputes:

└─ 0xe3452fc83b16ed48b28cf5bad86468f39036153cfd3b6226ff6e4244482208b3
   ├─ Type: Indexing
   ├─ Status: Undecided (0.09 days ago)
   ├─ Indexer: 0x671bc7a0ffa02b0ee90ee03bcd11915df011503a
   ├─ Fisherman: 0x3ac79720b9217294f45246131baea1210145aa2a
   ├─ SubgraphDeployment
   │  └─ id: 0xe5dcb1e44a93ed102fc85a44fa43f9495ad2d0c9ec6146eaf03361d7477de640 (QmdowFoTBBCd5t6PXAtTVBPY5BFgJxMhCbN9gwuKT4REb9)
   ├─ Allocation
   │  ├─ id: 0x82a014078d958f7b33af32ab4c86094ec5b4f20e
   │  ├─ createdAtEpoch: 216
   │  ├─ createdAtBlock: 0x5261703d2924ec479b45df8749a1962c02c87350be466e21fb4e800f12921be5
   │  ├─ closedAtEpoch: 225
   │  └─ closedAtBlock: 0x0a3943f876e57391d9efc96e35d3092318c820e5473de6c46f992dbfa93a3e2f (#12948038)
   └─ POI
      └─ submitted: 0xc2560cd23101a652a71741ccc5f91667f5942281cbfa53cfcf58656ef4ba5844

About the Procedure

The Arbitration Charter regulates the arbitration process. You can find it in Radicle project ID rad:git:hnrkrhnth6afcc6mnmtokbp4h9575fgrhzbay

For communications, please use this forum. Additionally, please monitor Graph Protocol’s Discord #arbitration ( ) for any arbitrator reaching out for more information.

@ari Hello, what the progress on this GDR?

Due to statute of limitations, this dispute has been settled as a draw by the Arbiters: