Show subgraph ID in subgraph studio details

Quick sug for the new subgraph studio: display the subgraph ID in the details panel in subgraph studio.

Context: I was putting the finishing touches on my deployment and wanted to secure my API keys / account. I set my domain, but I had trouble with limiting the api key to a specific subgraph ID. I went to MY SUBGRAPHS under subgraph studio, clicked on the one I wanted to limit to, clicked on DETAILS (in playground, logs, details) - and was immediately struck with confusion. I tried deployment ID but that didn’t work. I tried copying the text above the name of the subgraph (i.e. my shortened wallet address), I tried the deploy key, and then I tried everything again. Honestly it took me ~30 minutes before I finally navigated to EXPLORE, searched for my subgraph, and found the ID listed there.

SO! By clearly placing that id in subgraph studio everything would have gone much smoother. Otherwise the new version has been fantastic! Thanks for making such a great product!

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