The Graph Council - Meeting #14 Notes

Council members value transparency and have agreed to follow Chatham House Rules for sharing meeting notes. On Tuesday, September 21, 2021, The Graph Council held its 14th meeting.


Council Members (“Members”)
Brandon Ramirez
Gary Morris
Justin Moses
Santiago Palladino
Spencer Noon
Yaniv Tal
Yondon Fu

The Graph Foundation
Eva Beylin, Director, The Graph Foundation (the “Foundation”)

Observer and Note Taker
Observer: Jeremy Sklaroff, Edge & Node Ventures, Inc. (“Edge & Node”)
Note taker: Oliver Zerhusen, the Foundation

Council Business
The meeting commenced at 11:02 am PDT


Grant Discussions

The Members spent the majority of the meeting reviewing potential grant initiatives, with a team presenting about potential subgraph and tooling grants. The Members voted unanimously to advance discussions on the presented opportunities.

GIP & Protocol Updates

A Foundation member raised attention to the Batch GNS transaction proposal. The Council has completed the Snapshot voting and the proposal has been approved. The proposal is being prepared for protocol update execution and requires one final step by the Council to provide their multi-sigs.