An Indexer's Guide to Subgraph Migration


As The Graph Foundation announced last week, the first 10 subgraphs started migrating! You can read all about it in the announcement here. They are:

It’s important that you all go over the Migration guide (linked here) and start indexing and allocating towards them!

Last week, the community also hosted a workshop: Intro to Scalar and Vector node, recording found here). And there are more workshops coming!

  • May 5th, 9am PST: Disputes & Arbitration (Zoom link)
  • May 20th, 8am PST: Cost Model & Performance (Zoom link)

For the Arbitration workshop, don’t forget to review the Arbitration charter and join the conversation about it in this forum thread.

Last but not least, Join the community tomorrow May 4th on the Town Hall #4, at 8am PST. You can read the agenda and find the link in this forum post.