During Indexer Office Hours #3 (replay here) @dancube brought up some questions about cost modelling and specifically the use of Agora.
It would be great if we could have a Cost Modelling Workshop with the creator of Agora, @That3Percent, to get everyone up to speed on where Agora is in terms of features today, and how to use it including:
- Collection of query data using QLog (maybe @lutter would run through this as the creator of QLog?)
- Processing data so it’s ready for Agora
- Basic cost models with one limited example (something basic like floating a price on an exchange rate?)
- Running query data through Agora , understanding the results and iterating upon them
The overall objectives of this workshop would be for participants to come out of the session with the knowledge to:
- Collect their own data using Qlog
- Sanitise logs for Agora
- Understand a basic cost model
- Run models using Agora and return useful results
- Iterate on the results that Agora provides