Greetings, Graph enthusiasts!
We’re happy to introduce a proposal that’s set to improve TheGraph. Imagine TheGraph as your go-to tool for seamless communication between different blockchains and as a source of rock-solid, verifiable data. Sound intriguing? Let’s dive in!
The Idea:
Our core concept is to provide subgraphs with a powerful feature: an accompanied lineage of confirmations for every event they index. This innovation ensures that every piece of data queried through TheGraph comes with a verifiable proof of validity. This lineage of confirmations is produced by a decentralised network of nodes, effectively enabling TheGraph Node with an associated validator/oracle network.
Understanding the Necessity:
We recognise the importance of block confirmations in inter-blockchain communication. While a fully decentralised TheGraph undoubtedly mitigates many concerns, it’s crucial to remember that TheGraph is designed with a trust-without-verification mechanism. It operates with a sense of optimism. For TheGraph to drive inter-chain data protocols, there will persistently be a demand for validation lineage.
- Guaranteed Authenticity: When you fetch data from TheGraph Node, you can trust it’s the real deal. Each query can be reutilised to obtain an associated history of confirmations.
- Historic Blockchain Data for Smart Contracts: Smart Contracts can be created to verify the confirmations associated to query, meaning that TheGraph can be used to enable data-intensive on-chain applications.
- Inter-Chain Communication: TheGraph Node becomes a bridge between different blockchains. You can query TheGraph for data, and the same query can produce a series of confirmations derived from the indexing process.
- Boosted Trust: Businesses and developers can confidently rely on centralised TheGraph Node operators as a trusted data source for their applications, knowing that every piece of information has passed validation.
Validator Network:
Our decentralised nodes are the guardians of this validation process. They work to ensure the data is valid and that query responses can be verified. Validation performed by these nodes can involve re-requesting events from RPC nodes or producing Merkle-Patricia-Trie proofs.
To make this magic happen, we’ll pair TheGraph Node with a Sidecar node. The Sidecar will keep a close eye on the indexing behaviour of TheGraph Node, publishing each indexed event to the Log Store Network, and then subscribe to a data stream to receive indexed event confirmations in real-time. The validation logic will be embedded into the Log Store Network nodes, and the nodes can be made available for anyone to participate. The synergy between these components ensures a seamless flow of verifiable data.
The Role of Log Store Network:
It serves as a decentralised time-series database constructed atop the Streamr Network. The Streamr Network facilitates real-time peer-to-peer data transport. Custom validation logic is being integrated into the network to empower centralised processes with the validator and oracle mechanisms outlined in this proposal.
Key Use Cases:
Imagine the possibilities:
- Centralised processes can query TheGraph Node, and then the Sidecar Node to yield data that can be verified on-chain.
- Businesses can confidently build on-chain applications on top of a centralised TheGraph Node, knowing that the data they rely on is backed by a solid history of confirmations.
This proposition promises to take TheGraph to new heights. It’s not just an evolution; it’s a revolution! We believe this innovation will bring tremendous value to TheGraph and the entire Web3 ecosystem. Now, we’re eager to hear your thoughts, engage with the community, and bring this exciting concept to life!