Hey Everyone
Dappquery is a Data analytics platform for Dapps. In Graph Network Indexers, Delegators and Curators can perform advance analytics with simple and intutive UI to query data. Our platform enables Data Driven Decision Making and can help you to make economical viable decisions in the network.
1. Intuitive UI for analytics, No SQL knowledge required.
2. Save Charts in Public and Private Collection.
3. Publicly Share Charts and Embed into your Website/Blog
4. Register any Dapp using Subgraph or Smart Contract Address
5. Historical Crypto Pricing
Here is the step by step guide to create charts on Dappquery platform for The Graph Network.
Also, You can register any Subgraph or Smart Contract for advance analytics.
Dashboard: https://thegraph.dappquery.com/
Documentation: The Graph Network - Dappquery Docs
Existing Charts: https://analytics.dappquery.com/collection/142
Register a new Dapp: Register Dapp Using Smart Contract - Dappquery Docs
Github for The Graph Dashboard: GitHub - dappquery/TheGraph-Analytics
Discord: Discord
We can use this platform for any query or improvement proposal on the dashboard.
This type of product, where the user can manipulate the subgraph data however they like, is going to be critical once indexers need to crunch queryRebate performance metrics. You could also write dashboards that help with figuring out tax exposure depending on the rules in your specific jurisdiction. I’m sure users can come up with limitless use cases. @steve-pro I understand you guys increased the data refresh time for the Graph Protocol data on DappQuery - what’s it set to now and are there any plans to eventually go as far as real-time data from the subgraph?
@cryptovestor queryRebate performance metric sounds very interesting.
Can you elaborate it more?
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The ratio of query rebates (after revenue sharing) to query fees (before revenue sharing) is a measure of how well an indexer has allocated their stake against the subgraph, against other indexers on the subgraph and against their own query fees. The closer this ratio is to 1+ the better then indexer has performed on that subgraph, in terms of profits.
Thanks @cryptovestor
Currently refresh time is 10mins and we are working on improving it.
Use-cases you mentioned are really interesting. Really excited to see, how The Graph community is going to use Dappquery platform for creating interesting and helpful analytics. 
Sounds really awesome use case @cryptovestor 
Is there a document which can be referred for details and calculation?
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I don’t believe its documented anywhere but watch this space - the team is working on more indexer performance metrics that might just give you something to query in the subgraph rather than needing to do a calculation.
That sounds good
Looking forward to the metrics.
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Hey Everyone,
We have added more dashboards specific to curators and subgraphs.
We also made a quick dashboard for Curators to track allocations per epoch as requested by @DataNexus in discord.
Dappquery tool is open and free to use for Graph Community. Feel free to play around.
It take only couple of clicks to create a new Chart. 
Happy to collaborate with more community members to create meaningful visualisations for graph community.
CC @Pedro