GIP-0001 and Getting Started with GIPs, GRPs, GRCs, etc

Update: Radicle released a new minor version, 0.2.X, which is supposed to be far more stable for replication.

Can read more about the release here.

This was a breaking change for all clients and seed nodes. We have upgraded our seed node and I’ve confirmed (w/ @Oliver 's help) that the GIP repo is now propagating correctly again.

As part of the breaking change, project IDs have to be recreated. The new one for the GIP repo is: rad:git:hnrkrhnth6afcc6mnmtokbp4h9575fgrhzbay (I have also updated this in the OP).

Thanks everyone for you patience as we dogfood the bleeding edge of decentralized tech! :globe_with_meridians: