The Graph community recently adopted a GIP Process that uses a git repo that is hosted on Radicle, a decentralized code collaboration tool.
This post explains the high-level steps for downloading the repo and submitting a GIP, GRC, GRP, etc. More detailed explanations of how the GIP process works can be found in the GIP repo itself under “GIP-0001.”
Steps for accessing the GIPs repo:
1. Download the Radicle Upstream Client
2. Add The Graph’s Custom Radicle Seed:
3. Fork the GIP repo from one of the editors’ copies (my copy has the following project ID: rad:git:hnrkrhnth6afcc6mnmtokbp4h9575fgrhzbay
Once you have the repo locally, you can follow the instructions in GIP-0001 for creating one of the following proposal types:
- Graph Improvement Proposal (GIP) - Describes a protocol improvement.
- Graph Request for Comment (GRC) - Describes an application-layer community standard.
- Graph Request for Proposal (GRP) - Specifies the requirements for basic research, ecosystem tooling, or a possible protocol improvement. Focuses on the problem rather than the solution.
Once you have written your proposal, you will need to push it to your Radicle repo.
Once you’ve pushed your changes, then create a post under either the “GIPs”, “GRCs” or “GRPs” sub-categories in this forum, depending on the type of your proposal. Your post should include:
- Your Radicle Device ID
- The branch you have deployed your proposal to.
- A link to any thread where discussion for this proposal is already happening.
- A forum post title in the following format: <GIP | GRC | GIP>:<Proposal Title>.
Posting the proposal in The Graph’s Discourse forum will help it to get the attention of the GIP editors and provide a place for discussion if there isn’t already an active thread.
Eventually, as Radicle builds out their Ethereum-based features such as decentralized pull requests and issues, this workflow may change, but for now, this is the informal “pull request” process for getting a proposal included in the repo.
Feel free to ask questions or post suggestions below!
Update [03/08/22]
This workflow has been updated see the latest workflow here.