Is there a light mode for the site?

Newbie greetings. I hate to ask something so trivial as my first post, but: is there a way to switch to light mode for the site? Lots of the text is colored in a way that makes it hard to read on the black background. I’m struggling on reading some of the important docs.


If you click on circle profile top right should bring drop down and you’ll see person icon. Click that and This will get you see options of “Preferences” Then click preferences and you should see options in snapshot


Thanks, but my question was unclear. I would like light mode for, not for All the documentation is at the main site. The profile for my login (which I did through Google) has no reading preferences.

Again, apologies for this being a non-technical question, but reading that site is really difficult without cranking up the brightness on my display.

(And, yes, I’ll probably have technical questions soon…)