Messari January 2025 Update

:woman_astronaut: Summary

As we wrap up 2024, Messari has now surpassed the milestone of developing more than 200 subgraphs. During our year-end maintenance cycle, we deprecated a handful of subgraphs due to issues such as protocols becoming inactive, severe performance problems, or high maintenance complexity. Of the roughly 210 subgraphs we have built in total, net 198 remain active.

Looking ahead to 2025, the Messari team is excited to further our commitment to open data by creating additional subgraphs. We also plan to begin research exploring the development of Nozzle-based subgraphs.

:tada: Looking back (what was delivered)

*(Examples: major accomplishments and new software releases, explaining what it means for users. As much as possible, link to GitHub release notes, issues, and documentation.) *
We delivered an additional 15 subgraphs since our last update, bringing our total of active subgraphs to 198.

  • Superseed
  • Ora Protocol
  • Iguana Dex
  • Superlend
  • Usual Money
  • Spiko
  • Bracket Escrow
  • Gudchain
  • Aquapadina
  • Kernal
  • Afine
  • Yield Nest
  • Inception
  • Flatmoney
  • Mountain Protocol

In addition to our subgraph development commitments, Messari also publishes The State of The Graph Protocol report through Messari Research.

Read it here -

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