Pinax October 2023 Update

:woman_astronaut: Summary

This month the Pinax team ramped up our efforts on education and engagement for indexers and developers in The Graph ecosystem. We launched our new blog, focused on spreading awareness and resources to support adoption of Firehose, Substreams, and The Graph. We kicked off efforts with the Doc Squad to restructure and improve The Graph docs, starting with a survey seeking community feedback. And we’ve begun assisting with production of the Builder’s Office Hours.

On the development front, we released a bunch of open source Subsbtreams and sinks, which we hope will be useful both for their intended use cases, as well as serve as examples for developers building Substreams for new use cases.

On the operations side, we’ve continued to expand our hosting capacity and service offerings to more chains.

:tada: Looking back (what was delivered)

Provide infrastructure for chains currently supported on The Graph

Provide infrastructure to support protocol integration with new chains

  • New chains have been synced.

Education, onboarding & community support for Indexers and Developers working with new data services

Collaboration with core developers and new consumers on designing and testing new data services while augmenting the Indexer experience with new tooling

:rocket: Looking ahead (upcoming priorities)

Provide infrastructure for chains currently supported on The Graph’s hosted service & Subgraph Studio

  • Working on data centre expansion.

Provide infrastructure to support protocol integration with new chains

  • Run more blockchains.
  • New chain integration process refinement and pricing.

Education, onboarding & community support for Indexers and Developers working with new data services

  • Yaro will provide support at The Graph booth at Web Summit in Lisbon, mid-Nov.
  • More Firehose & Substreams documentation and blog content.
  • The Graph docs needs assessment.

Collaboration with core developers and new consumers on designing and testing new data services while augmenting the Indexer experience with new tooling

  • Exploring opportunities to contribute to
  • Deploying Firehose & Substreams endpoints for Antelope chains (10 chains including testnets).
  • Public RPC endpoint metering.

Provide operational support

  • Work with GraphOps on Kubernetes deployment for Firehose.