Pinax September 2023 Update

:woman_astronaut: Summary

Pinax is excited to share our progress and upcoming priorities for The Graph. Looking back, we’ve achieved several milestones, including enhancing infrastructure for chains supported on The Graph’s hosted service and Subgraph Studio. We’ve expanded our RPC node network and upgraded Firehose to v1.1.12 for Ethereum, Near, and Antelope, offering improved progress messages. We’ve been engaging with various chains interested in joining The Graph via GIP-0057 and have been working through designing a detailed onboarding support process and pricing package. We’ve continued to publish videos and educational content aimed at onboarding Indexers and Developers and experimenting with new data services to improve the developer experience.

As we look ahead, we’re committed to reinforcing infrastructure for supported chains, testing protocols and new chains, refining education resources, and active participation in community events and marketing initiatives. Welcoming new technical writers to our team, we’ll be increasing our efforts on blog content and technical documentation.

:tada: Looking back (what was delivered)

  • Provide infrastructure for chains currently supported on The Graph’s hosted service & Subgraph Studio
    • Continue to add more RPC nodes in preparation for upcoming needs
    • Upgraded Firehose to v1.1.12 for Ethereum, Near, and Antelope supporting improved progress messages
  • Provide infrastructure to support protocol integration with new chains
  • Education, onboarding & community support for Indexers and Developers working with new data services
  • Collaboration with core developers and new consumers on designing and testing new data services while augmenting the Indexer experience with new tooling
  • Provide operational support
    • Ongoing support for indexers with Firehose and Substream related questions in Discord
    • Participated in operational excellence working group kick-off discussions

:rocket: Looking ahead (upcoming priorities)

  • Provide infrastructure for chains currently supported on The Graph’s hosted service & Subgraph Studio
    • Purchasing and setting up more hardware
    • Test Erigon Firehose
  • Provide infrastructure to support protocol integration with new chains
    • New chain onboarding pricing and process methodology
    • Test Firehose for new chains
    • Run RPC and Firehose for more blockchains
    • Update Antelope Firehose test cases
  • Education, onboarding & community support for Indexers and Developers working with new data services
    • Preparing to publish our first Firehose/Substreams and The Graph content on our new blog
    • Assessing opportunities to improve The Graph developer and indexer documentation
    • Writing more Firehose and Substreams documentation
    • Recorded 2 new Substreams Unleashed videos - these will be the first videos in this series published featuring builders from other teams within The Graph ecosystem
    • Yaro will be attending RustConf September 12-15 and assisting at The Graph booth
    • Martin and Fred will be representing The Graph at DappCon/Berlin Blockchain Week September 8-17
    • Exploring opportunities to further enhance marketing and post-production for Builders Office Hours
    • Preparing a proposal to develop a library of shared resources for The Graph Advocates
  • Collaboration with core developers and new consumers on designing and testing new data services while augmenting the Indexer experience with new tooling
    • Work with GraphOps on Kubernetes deployment for Firehose as part of Launchpad
    • Performance testing for Substreams
    • Substreams authorization and metering for billing
  • Provide operational support
    • Continue participation in the operational excellence working group