Polygon-Chain outage on The Graph's hosted service

This week, The Graph’s hosted service experienced an outage on the Polygon network. The outage was first identified on August 23rd and the team worked to re-establish Polygon connectivity on the hosted service on August 26th.

The Graph is key infrastructure for web3 and we realize that these kinds of outages can lead to severe downtime on dapps relying on The Graph’s hosted service infrastructure. We sincerely apologize to all the teams that were affected and appreciate the support of our community while our team worked to resolve all issues.

The issue was due to a combination of unreliable full nodes being used for Polygon as well as gaps in processes operating both a hosted service supporting 24 networks as well as supporting a live decentralized network. Currently, core teams are working to improve network stability and uptime for all the chains supported on the hosted service.

As DeFi and web3 usage continue to grow, so will the need for decentralized infrastructure to support these applications, making them unstoppable and eliminating single points of failure. This incident highlights the importance of decentralization at every layer of the stack to ensure that applications are built on resilient, redundant infrastructure.

Moving forward, The Graph community is actively taking steps to ensure issues like this won’t happen in the future by working with developers to migrate subgraphs from the hosted service to the decentralized network, in addition to continuously adding additional supported networks beyond Ethereum there.