The Graph Council #36 Notes

Council members value transparency and have agreed to follow Chatham House Rules for sharing meeting notes. On September 22, 2022, The Graph Council held its 36th meeting.

Jim Cousins
Brandon Ramirez
Gary Morris
Mable Jiang
Santiago Palladino
Yaniv Tal
Spencer Noon
Alexandre Bourget

The Graph Foundation (”Foundation”)
Eva Beylin, Director, the Foundation

Observer and Note Taker
Note taker: Alex Marsh, the Foundation

Observer: Mark Swiderski, the Foundation

Council Business
The meeting commenced at 8:02am PST


Budget & Treasury Matters

The Foundation provided Q4 budget updates to the council and a proposed budget for 2023 and 2024. A request was considered and approved by the council members for release of Foundation GRT treasury tokens to support various initiatives.

Council Multisig

The council discussed solutions to logistical issues related to council members signing multisig transactions.

Expanding Smart Contract Development Resources

The council discussed the need to expand smart contract development resources within each of The Graph’s various core development teams.