The Graph Council - Meeting #32 Notes

Council members value transparency and have agreed to follow Chatham House Rules for sharing meeting notes. On July 12, 2022, The Graph Council held its 32nd meeting.


Council Members (”Members”)
Jim Cousins
Yondon Fu
Gary Morris
Santiago Palladino
Brandon Ramirez
Sebastian Siemssen
Yaniv Tal

The Graph Foundation (”Foundation”)
Eva Beylin, Director, the Foundation

Observer and Note Taker
Observer: Alex Marsh, the Foundation
Note taker: Jordan Teague, the Foundation

Council Business
The meeting commenced at 11:03 a.m. PST.


GIPs & Protocol Upgrades

The Council discussed two GIPs that are queued for signature by the Council Members. The Council also discussed protocol upgrade proposals, including a proposal that would make GNS signal transferrable (GIP-0032) and a proposal related to altruistic and stale allocations (GIP-0027), both of which are ready for a Snapshot vote.

Budget & Treasury Matters

The Foundation updated the Members on treasury initiatives, including potential community grant programs associated with migration of subgraphs to the decentralized service in preparation for the sunsetting of the hosted service. A request was considered and approved by the Members for release of vested Foundation GRT treasury tokens to support various initiatives.


The Foundation provided an update to the Members on the status of projects under core developer grants.

Council Charter

The Council discussed the status of proposed updates to the Charter.