Council members value transparency and have agreed to follow Chatham House Rules for sharing meeting notes. On Tuesday, October 5, 2021, The Graph Council held its 15th meeting.
Council Members (“Members”)
Brandon Ramirez
Gary Morris
Jim Cousins
Michael Andersen
Santiago Palladino
Yondon Fu
The Graph Foundation
Eva Beylin, Director, The Graph Foundation (the “Foundation”)
Note Taker
Note taker: Oliver Zerhusen, the Foundation
Meeting recorded for absent members
Council Business
The meeting commenced at 11:04 am PDT
Grant Discussions
The Members reviewed potential grant initiatives, with a team presenting about potential subgraph, protocol R&D and smart contracts development grants. The Members agreed to proceed with discussions and additional due diligence steps.
One Foundation member provided an update on another subgraph tooling grant initiative that is currently in the process of being more defined with detailed scope of work for every milestone, after which it will be presented to the Council again for discussions.
One Foundation member provided an update on a grant initiative aimed to support Ethereum public goods. The discussions are currently ongoing and more details of the proposed scope of engagement are currently being worked out.
GIP & Protocol Updates
A Foundation member provided a summary of GIP-0013 (Reduce Curation Tax) along with results from the community Snapshot vote. The next step in the governance process proceeds with Council Snapshot voting for this proposal.
A Member provided an update on the Arbitration Charter and that both the Charter as well as the Graph Node are getting ready for ratification soon, likely prior to the next Council meeting. The Members discussed sequencing of the release, including the option of ratifying the Graph Node prior to the Charter to minimize possible risks associated with a simultaneous release.
Council Survey
The Members provided feedback on a number of Council topics in direct 1:1 sessions with the Foundation. A Foundation member presented one discussion item that was frequently raised by Members, which is the subject of receiving more frequent updates on sentiments within The Graph community on various protocol and ecosystem developments.
The Foundation member introduced the idea of a new regular Council meeting agenda item (Community Member Updates) where a community representative presents a summary of key current discussion topics from their network group, rotated across Indexer, Delegator, Curator and Subgraph Dev groups. One Member supported the idea and another Member suggested to also include Core Developers as another stakeholder group to include in the rotation. The Members agreed to proceed with working out more details around this proposal.**