Council members value transparency and have agreed to follow Chatham House Rules for sharing meeting notes. On January 12, 2023, The Graph Council held its 42nd meeting.
Jim Cousins
Brandon Ramirez
Santiago Palladino
Yaniv Tal
Alexandre Bourget
Yondon Fu
Sebastian Siemssen
Gary Morris
The Graph Foundation (”Foundation”)
Martin Tellechea, Co-Director, the Foundation
Observer and Note Taker
Note taker: Alex Marsh, the Foundation
Observer: Jordan Teague, the Foundation
Guest: Chris Wessels
Council Business
The meeting commenced at 8:02am PST
- Roster updates: Aaron, General Counsel from Edge & Node, will join as an observer. Martin Tellechea will be joining as Co-Director of The Graph Foundation.
- Council approval for snapshot vote for potential GGP regarding the parameter change due to post merge reduced time blocks.
- Revisited the two open seats on The Graph Council for both the Indexer seat and the Dapp/User seat and their potential candidates.
- Technical Advisory Board vs. Roadmap Working Group discussion was tabled for the next meeting.