The Graph Council - Meeting #6 Notes

Council members value transparency and have agreed to follow Chatham House Rules for sharing meeting notes. On Tuesday, June 1, 2021, The Graph Council held its 6th meeting.


Council Members (“Members”)

Yondon Fu
Jim Cousins
Spencer Noon
Santiago Palladino
Brandon Ramirez
Yaniv Tal

The Graph Foundation
Eva Beylin, Director, The Graph Foundation (the “Foundation”)

Notetaker and Observers
Notetaker: Jeremy Sklaroff, Edge & Node Ventures, Inc. (“Edge & Node”)

Council Business
The meeting commenced at 11:00am PDT.


GIPs & Protocol Updates

A member discussed small protocol adjustments that are ongoing. The member also updated the Council on the Arbitration Charter, which is on track to be ratified by a snapshot vote. The member stated that there will be a protocol upgrade involved in the implementation, aimed at adjusting indexer risk in disputes, which will require the Council’s approval. Once implemented, the Council will also serve to denote official Graph Node versions and official feature sets. There was a discussion as to the appropriate level of detail to include in the canonical Graph Node version and feature sets designated by the Council.

Core Dev Grants

A member gave an update on potential core dev grants currently being considered by the Foundation to support core protocol development.

Ecosystem Grants

The Director of the Foundation gave updates on grants to Dapps and other ecosystem participants that are being considered. The Director also gave an update on ecosystem RFPs, which were to be released later in the day.

Council Charter

A representative from Edge & Node provided an overview of the draft of the Council Charter, which is under the Council’s review.