The Guild July 2024 Update

:man_astronaut:t3: Executive Summary

Over the last month, we made significant strides across multiple projects. In Graph Tooling, we enabled the publishing of new subgraph versions via graph publish, added support for IoTeX, Rootstock, and Sei networks, and drop support for Hosted Service. The Graph Client team continued their work on the query planner, while the Indexer team resolved continuous integration issues with new Node versions and addressed conflicts to advance their refactor efforts. The Webhooks Beta team focused on the next steps to onboard the initial cohort of users, and we collaborated with E&N to develop a proof of concept for integrating GraphQL Hive for users. Looking ahead, our priorities include providing maintenance support for Graph Tooling, completing the refactor for the management API in Indexer, integrating Webhooks Beta with Studio and working on onboarding and testing GraphQL Hive with a subset of users.

:tada: Looking back (what was delivered)

:rocket: Looking ahead (upcoming priorities)

  • graph-tooling
    • Maintenance help
  • indexer
    • Land refactor for management API
  • Webhooks beta
    • Integrations with Studio
    • Landing page changes
  • GraphQL Hive: Work on onboarding and testing with subset of users
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