The Guild June 2024 Update

:man_astronaut:t3: Executive Summary

As we progress towards a decentralized future, we have enabled permissionless publishing to the Graph Network from the Graph CLI, improved support for multiple testnets and mainnets, and deprecated publishing to the hosted service. The graph-client team investigated webpack errors and advanced the query planner. We are also heads-down developing a substream-powered webhooks product—if webhooks are something you want to integrate, reach out to us! Recently, our team got together in Greece for an offsite, fostering collaboration and planning future priorities. Looking ahead, we plan to enable new version publishing for subgraphs, integrate references in manifests and graph init, support native graph tests, add validations with napi, fix CI for indexers, and launch webhooks beta support.

:tada: Looking back (what was delivered)

:rocket: Looking ahead (upcoming priorities)

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Thankyou @saihaj for the update :slightly_smiling_face: I am interested in integrating the substream powered webhooks product; Also I am excited :smiley: for the upcoming enhancements, especially the new version publishing for subgraphs and webhooks beta support.