The Guild November 2023 Update

:man_astronaut:t3: Executive Summary

We’ve shared our roadmap for graph-tooling for the upcoming year. Engaged with community through support, events, and even featured on the GRTiQ Podcast. Helping subgraphs migrate to the network with the subgraph-cacher is a top priority.

In graph-node, we’ve rolled out the new GraphiQL and are working on adding support for Timestamp scalars. We’re also committed to setting up a strong performance testing framework and fixing issues like introspection queries for subgraphs with indexing errors. As we look ahead, our main focus in graph-tooling will be t introduce validations during the build step, address bugs related to graph ****init and graph ****codegen, and implement CLI changes as part of Sunrise initiative. Expect our LTS policy for graph-cli and better documentation. We also plan to simplify the process of creating subgraphs and work on a Scaffold ETH 2.0 plugin.

:tada: Looking back (what was delivered)

:rocket: Looking ahead (upcoming priorities)