Wasm trap: out of bounds memory access wasm backtrace

I’m working on creating a subgraph that tracks just active NFTs in a marketplace.

But I’m running into the following issue:

Error: wasm trap: out of bounds memory access wasm backtrace: 0: 0x15c1 - <unknown>!~lib/@graphprotocol/graph-ts/common/value/Value#toBigInt 1: 0x162c - <unknown>!~lib/@graphprotocol/graph-ts/common/value/Value#toBytes 2: 0x2b85 - <unknown>!generated/schema/ItemCanceled#get:tokenId in handler `handleItemListed` at block #10371597 (5f8865fcd8429b1300c51d92bcffcd7b5537ec754a15a1f40a065cd1ba94e9f8)

My schema.graphql:

type ItemBought @entity {
    id: ID!
    buyer: Bytes! # Address
    nftAddress: Bytes! # address
    tokenId: BigInt! # address
    price: BigInt!

type ItemListed @entity {
    id: ID!
    seller: Bytes! # Address
    nftAddress: Bytes! # address
    tokenId: BigInt! # address
    price: BigInt!

type ItemCanceled @entity {
    id: ID!
    seller: Bytes! # Address
    nftAddress: Bytes! # address
    tokenId: BigInt!

type ActiveItem @entity {
    id: ID!
    nftAddress: Bytes! # address
    seller: Bytes
    buyer: Bytes
    price: BigInt
    tokenId: BigInt

And my main mapping function:

export function getActiveItemId(tokenId: BigInt, nftAddress: Bytes): string {
    return tokenId.toString() + nftAddress.toHexString()

export function handleItemListed(event: ItemListed): void {
    // Our ID will be tokenId + nftAddress
    let activeItem = ActiveItem.load(getActiveItemId(event.tokenId, event.nftAddress))
    if (!activeItem) {
        activeItem = new ActiveItem(event.tokenId.toString() + event.nftAddress.toHexString())
    activeItem.seller = event.seller
    activeItem.tokenId = event.tokenId
    activeItem.nftAddress = event.nftAddress
    activeItem.price = event.price

And my event in solidity being emitted:

    event ItemListed(
        address indexed seller,
        address indexed nftAddress,
        uint256 indexed tokenId,
        uint256 price

Any thoughts?

The current studio is located here: Subgraph Studio