Arbitration Analysts

Arbitration disputes play an important role in The Graph protocol that require in-depth review and analysis in order to arrive at equitable resolutions. The Arbitration Council is committed to high due diligence standards for dispute cases, while also recognizing that timely processing of arbitration cases is critical.

In order to expand the capacity for the arbitration function in the Graph protocol, I am pleased to share that the Arbitration Council will be supported by Arbitration Analysts in the future. Arbitration Analysts perform the important task of researching the details of disputes brought forward by Fishermen. Arbitration Analysts will share their findings transparently in the Graph Forum as thread responses to dispute cases. As a result, the Arbitration Council will be able to focus their energy on the analysis and interpretation of the presented data as well as the arguments brought forth by Fishermen and Indexers. The anticipated effect is that dispute cases can be processed more timely and consistently going forward.

I am also pleased to share that @86b joins The Graph protocol as an Arbitration Analyst, effective immediately. @86b is committed to The Graph ecosystem with a long-term vision and has gained deep experience in running Indexer operations. As a Fisherman, @86b has demonstrated his integrity and research skills by identifying a complex dispute case that has led to the only win decision for a Fisherman in the Graph protocol thus far. Please join me in welcoming @86b to the Arbitration team!

FAQs regarding the Arbitration Analyst role:

1. Does an Arbitration Analyst make dispute decisions?
No. The Arbitration Council continues to be the decision making body for arbitration cases. Arbitration Analysts support the Arbitration Council via conducting and presenting research on disputes.

2. Can Arbitration Analysts create disputes as Fishermen?
Yes. The role of the Fisherman is permissionless and can be performed by anyone. However, Arbitration Analysts are committed to transparency and reveal their identity when creating disputes. For integrity purposes, Arbitration Analysts who raised a dispute themselves will be recused and NOT perform any subsequent work on that specific arbitration case.


Awesome, congrats @86b :slight_smile: