Blog post referencing wrong link

Hi community! :man_astronaut: :speech_balloon:

I was citing some posts from The Graph blog in order to reference it in a whitepaper.

One of them is The Graph Network In Depth (Part 1) and I found it has an outdated reference to the ‘What The Graph Is’ section of the documentation.

(…) If you’ve never heard of The Graph, a great place to start is our announcement post, our docs, or several great posts from our community (…)

The docs word points to that returns a 404 status. I found the section still there, just the link was updated to

Would be great to update the post in order to have it pointing to the correct link. I think it’s a really useful post to learn about The Graph and would love that people could be able to find and read all the information referenced there.

Hope you find this report useful. Thanks in advance!