Decimal Smart Cahain integration

Good afternoon!

  1. I am sending you the documentation on the deployment of our node. Instructions are available at this link -
    You need to do everything except step 6.

  2. Hardware requirements:
    40 GB+ ram to run the node and about 30 GB for node work.
    CPU 3+ Ghz
    HDD/SSD 400Gb
    Space is growing very fast. To clean up the place, you can restart the node, or upload a fresh snapshot from the instructions.

  3. Our blockchain is built on the basis of the Cosmos SDK Tendermint. A couple of years ago, the EVM module was implemented in the blockchain. Now we are planning to migrate all tokens from the Cosmos module to the EVM module and in general we will switch to it. Records of operations in this module are kept from the 12611601 block, and not from the very first.
    Before that, we didn’t have a public archive node. Now we understand that it will be required everywhere, so we decided to deploy it to synchronize data. Last week we finished syncing it and now it is available in the mainnet -

Raising the same archive node in the testnet will be a very long process. That is, it turns out that you can raise our test subgraph (Comparing graphprotocol:master...decimalteam:feature/add-decimal-chain · graphprotocol/graph-node · GitHub) in the testnet and connect to our test node (rpc addresses are available on chain list)
Is this option acceptable? In the sense that in the testnet you will connect to an incomplete (according to stored data) node