Edge & Node’s May / June Update

:woman_astronaut: Executive Summary

The last month has been eventful for both Edge & Node and the wider community of The Graph. Notably, many dapps upgraded their subgraphs over the last few weeks, including many with sizable query volume. As of this writing, 895 total subgraphs upgraded to the network this quarter alone of which 120 subgraphs have over 100k monthly queries. For a summarized view into how Edge & Node is supporting subgraph developers and data consumers amidst the Sunrise, and news on major protocol enhancements, see below:

Notable April & early May Accomplishments:

Progress on Sunrise

In addition to all the features we provided at the start of the Sunbeam phase (like free query plans, transparent billing, and pay by card or GRT), we continued enhancing the subgraph upgrade and servicing experience. Here are some recently released features:

  • Upgrade up to 50 subgraphs at a time
  • The option to set monthly spend limits on API keys in Studio
  • View live wallet and delegation balances on the delegation pane in Explorer
  • Search subgraphs by ID in Explorer
  • Get support via a new button in Studio and Explorer

These sustained product enhancements and thorough support from our team has resulted in 857 total subgraphs upgrading to the network since the start of Q2.

All this progress, coupled with the recent launch of the Sunrise Upgrade Program, generated a ton of enthusiasm in the wider community. The Sunrise Upgrade Program is designed to channel community enthusiasm into creating mutually beneficial value for The Graph community. It includes a builder track, which is all about upgrading and querying subgraphs, and a visionary track using The Graph community’s creative energy and knowledge to publish thought pieces, blogs, and entertaining media about The Graph’s mission and technology. So far, over 900 individuals have registered to participate in this program.

The Graph grows via widening participation, technical education, and open-sourced releases

  • There are now over 3,200 subgraphs published on The Graph Network across L1 (Ethereum) and L2 (Arbitrum), with 96% of the subgraphs published in Q1 happening on L2
  • From the FOSSASIA Summit in Hanoi to remoteWave Hack in Japan to EthereumZuri in Zurich, the DevRel team gave talks, spread The Graph knowledge in workshops, and met web3 enthusiasts all over the world.
  • In the protocol world, we shipped the Early Allocation Closure (GIP-0060) contracts changes, pending Council signatures. We also made significant progress on Horizon contracts changes and are closer than ever to being audit-ready.
  • Graph Node saw some exciting contributions towards the next release:

What’s Next:

  • Completing the Sunrise
    • We look forward to seeing and helping dapps upgrade their subgraphs to The Graph Network as well as hearing from all Sunrise Upgrade Program registrants in their mission form submissions
    • We encourage projects to leverage the Upgrade Flow across all channels
    • A round-the-world celebration marking the completion of the Sunrise on June 13th
  • Ensuring the first set of smart contracts for the implementation of Graph Horizon are ready for audit
  • SDK (Software Development Kit) for new data services
  • Creating a proposal to scale arbitration
  • Continuing to expand House of Web3 membership to 150+
  • Hosting the Secure AI <> Web3 event
  • In the next graph-node release, we aim to include the following features: