Geo January 2025 Update

:woman_astronaut: Summary

We launched Geo Genesis for early access! You can signup for early access here. We’ll be reaching out to core devs with steps to sign up soon.

:tada: Looking back (what was delivered)

  • We’re starting Geo Genesis with a focus on Crypto News. Each day, editors structure and organize the top news stories of the day.
  • As an example, you can see a News story for the contraversy that happened over the weekend regarding Aiccelerate. If you look at the Bankless Ventures page, you can see the backlinks to the claims from the news.
  • Governance is now live using Aragon OSx! See Aragon’s blog post here. This is the first time governance is being used on Ethereum to govern knowledge.

:rocket: Looking ahead (upcoming priorities)

  • We’re getting ready to onboard more people. We’ve had to do a few post launch polish things. We also had some issues with our tools for importing data from Notion, but we have a lot more content we’re going to be importing over the coming month. Expect a lot more content, and people starting to talk about interesting use cases soon!
  • Continuing work on the web3 app framework to enable developers to build interoperable consumer apps on The Graph
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