Geo March 2024 Update

:woman_astronaut: Summary

We’re still in our quiet period leading up to the launch. We’re leaning on making the launch invite only and not pre-announcing it publicly. Would love to have some core dev / foundation members there. We’re looking at making it a full day event where we can go into the vision of the New Era of The Graph, the global knowledge graph, AI, and real world use cases.

:tada: Looking back (what was delivered)

  • We just hosted a conference at the Computer Science Museum in Silicon Valley with 70+ nonprofits and local government officials. We educated them on web3 and Geo and we’re gaining a lot of momentum from nonprofits who want to bring transparency to their work and better collaborate with others through better coordination tools
  • We kicked off the Interconnected Graph of Data working group. There are a few teams who have been jumping in and I’m really excited to work with. I do think that if more people contribute to this launch, it will allow more people to be proud of having done it together.
  • Started onboarding nonprofits onto their own nonprofit spaces
  • A bunch of product improvements including Team Management, fixing move to space, working on cross space entities

:rocket: Looking ahead (upcoming priorities)

  • Continuing work on the launch
  • Integrating governance
  • Streamlining onboarding
  • Adding content
  • Collaborating with core devs
  • Trying to define the pipeline of creating data in the knowledge graph from an existing Graph Network data service

Other notes

  • It seems less likely at this point that we’ll be able to launch on The Graph Network. I would love to be able to launch Geo as a Data Service with World of Data Services but that requires dependencies to be ready in time. Specifically we need:
    • Data Service SDK
    • Scalar TAP (Looks like it may be ready in time)
    • DIPs (So we can pay ~2 Indexers for indexing ahead of time)

We’ve also been looking for help with codegen for the Geo Data service but it looks like that won’t be coming in time. This is going to limit some features. Will launch with a starting point and iterate from there.

A new narrative is starting to form around the decentralized knowledge graph and AI. I think we should lean into this.

Things are shaping up.


Hi, when you say not launching geo on the graphs network, does that mean you will still use the graph but later on down the line?


Congrats on all this amazing work! I see a lot of change and progress and look forward to contributing.

I would love to know more about:

  1. the working group and see if our project aligns with this mission;

" * We kicked off the Interconnected Graph of Data working group. There are a few teams who have been jumping in and I’m really excited to work with. I do think that if more people contribute to this launch, it will allow more people to be proud of having done it together."

  1. Indexers - we are interested in indexing our project and would take this on if we can speak more about it.



Hey thanks and sorry for missing the previous message as well.

@john4586 we’re still figuring out whether or not we’ll be launching on the network on day 1. If for some reason we end up not being able to on day 1, it would be a quick follow up to get it on the network. Ideally no more than 1-2 months later. But my preference would definitely be for it to be available on the network from the very beginning.

@Ames Thanks for following up! Sorry I haven’t had any time to take on new collaborations. Right now the working group is focused on core devs. I think working together could be a great goal for after launch. Thanks for your persistence and interest.

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@yaniv I get it. Looking forward when we do.

We are also in a deep dive with a launch with an agency that will align nicely with this. So my time is limited and I am making sure to check in here and there to pollinate what flowers may be blooming. What I am seeing is really taking shape!

In the meantime, I am reconnecting with Arturas to contribute as per Paul’s request.

wishing you best of luck,
