Geo September 2023 Update

:woman_astronaut: Summary

We’re continuing to work on our public launch of Geo Genesis. We’ve made significant progress on our Substreams. It looks like we’re not going to be able to get the help we need on file data sources in Substreams so we’ve switched our strategy to writing a custom sink. In order to launch on the network now we’ll need to be able to define a custom subservice and have it supported on the network. The service will be a simple request response style service that uses Substreams for indexing and Postgraphile for querying.

:tada: Looking back (what was delivered)

  • Move to space
  • Merge with entity
  • CSV import
  • Start work on profiles
  • Activity feed - See what proposals any user has published on their profile (hidden for now)
  • Entity page templates - Entities of a given type can now have their own page layouts (hardcoded for now)
  • Data migrations - migrate data to use new date types and delete dangling references
  • Fix wallet connect issues
  • Design full onboarding flow including creating public spaces, profiles, membership, teams
  • Design default governance
  • Continued building Substreams
  • Started engagement with 3rd party on governance contracts
  • Bug fixes
  • Hired a new software engineer
  • Hired someone for Impact Development who’s worked with nonprofits in California for 20 years
  • Held weekly We :purple_heart: SF events focused on workforce development and street outreach
  • Spawned 2 new DAOs that are now meeting regularly to tackle workforce development and street outreach in SF

:rocket: Looking ahead (upcoming priorities)

  • Migrate app to Substreams
  • Index governance contracts
  • Build governance UI
  • Build complete onboarding flow for teams

Other notes

Our biggest risk to launching on the network is not having subservices supported on the network. I’d like to figure out what the fastest path would be for having a simple request response style subservice supported.


Hi Yaniv, wondering how I can support We :purple_heart: SF events? I’m based in SF and thought it was really unique and inspiring that Edge & Node is putting an effort into solving local issues! Would love to get involved to support the initiatives.

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Amazing! Show up on Wednesdays at noon :slight_smile: Can join our Discord here. There are lots of ways to get involved. We have several DAOs and we’re building tooling to support those DAOs. So very much depends on your skills and how you want to contribute.