Know Your Indexer #23 | Dapplooker.eth

Know Your Indexer, a segment that allows you to get to know and feel closer to your favorite Indexer. In this opportunity we are pleased to introduce the Dapplooker.eth team to the community.

This team is always present in social networks ready to help the community and now it’s your turn to learn more about them.

Dapplooker.eth interview


  1. Team background

Dapplooker.eth team: We are a young energetic 10 people team with diverse variety of skillsets like blockchain development, UX, frontend development, marketing. We believe in product led growth and strives to build state-of-the-art and UI friendly products. Our team enables data driven web3 by providing analytics solution on subgraph data.


  1. When was the first time you heard about the graph and why did you decide to get involved in the project?

Dapplooker.eth team: We have been building subgraphs since two years. We are a Graph foundation grantee and active in graph protocol discord and telegram groups. Our mission is data driven web3 development. Our extensive experience with subgraphs & graph protocol has culminated in the indexer operations. TheGraph being the frontier of web3 open APIs, it’s natural for our team to participate in network, build high quality subgraphs and provide analytics tools around it.


  1. How many indexers participate in the network? Do you plan to integrate others in the future?

Dapplooker.eth team: We are running our own indexer node atm: dapplooker.eth

We are also running Gnosis testnet node as part of MIPs program and we plan to support multiple networks as graph network supports more chains in future.


  1. In addition to indexers, does your team have other members who participate in different roles in the network?

Dapplooker.eth team: We have team members who are also subgraph developers and delegators. We have been building high quality subgraphs for our partners.


  1. Why should delegators choose you? How do you create bonds of communication and trust between them and you?

Dapplooker.eth team: Through our indexer operations, our goal is to provide high returns to our delegators and support graph mission towards a multi-chain decentralized future. Our team has a good understanding of The Graph protocol. We have dedicated OPs team to scale our indexer infrastructure to generate best rewards for our delegators.
We are here for the long run and are committed to the graph protocol community and our delegators. We have dedicated channel in our discord for delegators and subgraph developers to answer delegator questions and discuss subgraph development.
Discord: DappLooker


  1. The Advocates program was recently launched, how would you motivate the community to participate in this program?

Dapplooker.eth team: The Advocates program enables all kind of users web2/web3 chance to gain experience in web3, connect with many talented individuals and dive deeper into The Graph protocol. Advocates can collaborate and start sharing their talents with the community and get incentivized through grants program.


  1. What do you like the most about being part of this project and how do you contribute to its growth?

Dapplooker.eth team: The Graph connects the whole blockchain community and it’s gateway of web3. We are excited to be among the early adopters of graph protocol. It’s truly multi-chain with support of 35+ networks.
We understand and believe in the Graph protocol mission of decentralizing data access. It synergies with our mission to enable data-driven web3 through different analytical tools. Innovative technologies like firehose, substreams makes TheGraph highly positioned as web3 stack.


  1. Which blockchain networks are you excited to index for The Graph?

Dapplooker.eth team: We are already providing indexing services for Ethereum network. We are participating in MIPs program and have setup Gnosis Indexer. As Graph network supports other networks, we are looking to index all networks and provide indexing services.


  1. What are you excited about the future of The Graph?

Dapplooker.eth team: The Graph open APIs are gateway to web3 and fundamental to decentralized data management. We are excited about Graph protocol being truly multi-chain and looking to leverage subgraphs for web3 analytics and build tools around it. We are also excited about solutions like firehose and substreams which will make indexing 100x faster.

Social Medias
Wallet address: 0x7239b1896ad2b6a9d3aa6c4b12d8993e78fb67dc

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1 . Ask your questions in this post by leaving a comment
2 . You can review the other comments and see the answers directly from the Indexer
3 . Don’t forget to share this with your friends and colleagues to learn about the exciting ecosystem of The Graph ! :man_astronaut: :stars:


Thank you Derek and Zuni :+1:

Loved participating in this segment.

Happy to help community and answer any questions.


Congrats from German Community, I will send it into our community. :+1:


Thanks Andy!

You have been a great support :hugs: