Q3 Quarterly Graph Participant Call - Summary & Highlights

The latest quarterly Graph Participant Update really showed how The Graph ecosystem continues to expand to serve web3. Check out a few key stats, announcements and milestones within The Graph ecosystem in Q3 of this year—here are some highlights:

This quarter, The Graph’s decentralized network grew in many areas, including:

:bar_chart: 106 new subgraphs
:busts_in_silhouette: 52 new Indexers
:currency_exchange: 831K in query fees
:memo: 1800+ MIPs applications

Query fees on The Graph Network have grown every quarter in 2022. A growing number of developers are relying on The Graph’s decentralized infrastructure, ensuring excellent UX, uptime and more thanks to unstoppable subgraphs supported by The Graph Network.

The number of Indexers on the network is growing too, making The Graph more robust, secure and resilient every day.

The Graph Network is now powered by 226 (31% increase in Q3) Indexers—and counting—across the world. Many have joined to support the network’s decentralized, multi-chain future through the MIPs program.

Speaking of the multi-chain future—The Graph Foundation announced the first chain beyond Ethereum to start integration onto The Graph Network: Gnosis! Gnosis marks the first of many chains to soon be available on The Graph Network. :owl:

The Graph Network’s growth doesn’t stop there. The Graph ecosystem is moving at lightspeed to bring even more utility to the indexing & query layer of web3, joined by a network of over 13,000 participants.

What else? The Graph’s core devs are also working to make billing more efficient.

:dollar: Fiat onramp for using The Graph Network
:fuelpump: Moving the protocol to Arbitrum L2, thereby reducing gas fees
:arrows_counterclockwise: Implementing recurring payments & subscriptions to cover query fees

Plus, UI and UX improvements are coming to make the network experience more seamless.

In addition, it’s been announced that hosted service transitions to the decentralized network are based on exit criteria, which means chains will remain on the hosted service until they are fully supported on the decentralized network. Learn more in the clarifying blog post.

Remember, with a subgraph on The Graph Network, you can build dapps with permanent data layers. This is why decentralized access to open blockchain data is so crucial—when using subgraphs on The Graph Network, no one can close the API. No one can shut down your dapp. No one can deplatform you.

Thank you again to the community that’s been along for the journey, and welcome new frens that are just starting out!

Catch the recording of the call on YouTube.

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