StreamingFast June 2024 Update

Hey everyone!

Happy to share with you all, for the first time, StreamingFast’s update for the month of May. Before I jump in, I want to raise my hat to the whole Graph ecosystem for the successful Sunrise phase. 6500+ subgraphs on the network—this is truly amazing work! Looking forward to the query fees flowing. Now, without further ado:

Looking back

Data services

  •, StreamingFast’s Payment Gateway Beta launched! As mentioned in May’s Update, this is how we are bringing to the network Substreams and Firehose as well as some new data services soon!

Substreams “no-code”:

  • Released “remote code-generation” in substreams CLI v1.8.0
  • Supports Ethereum (trigger-based and entity-based subgraph, sql…)
  • Supports injective (trigger-based subgraph)

Chain integrations:

  • Injective is now available on The Graph’s decentralized network through a Firehose and Substreams integration. Beyond the performance benefits, this integration enables Substreams-powered subgraphs for Injective Mainnet, a first of its kind in the Cosmos ecosystem!
    • Official announcement here
    • Getting started guide here
    • First Injective Substreams-powered subgraph on the network available here
  • Optimism (full instrumentation): ongoing processing
  • Base (full instrumentation): ongoing processing
  • Firehose instrumentation upgraded for Arbitrum Sepolia

Codebase improvements:

  • Substreams’ new index module bringing a major performance boost. For some smart contracts with sparse data, we’ve observed an impressive 50x performance increase! Official announcement here
  • Better support for slow or “stuck” chains
  • Substreams cache back-filling when running live

Looking ahead

This is what is actively worked on and should be shipped shortly:

  • Announcement of Substreams “no-code” through Substreams CLI
  • Substreams “no-code” made available on as a web interface, paving the way for point-and-click customization
  •’s UI/UX improvements - providing the necessary functionalities for Substreams and Firehose providers to migrate their users there
  • New Firehose & Substreams chain integrations (EVM and non EVM chains) are on the way
  • Revenue generated from Substreams and Firehose will soon be paid through the network to the StreamingFast indexer, retroactively for the month of May

We look forward to completing our quarterly strategy & planning session and sharing with you next month what we are tackling next.


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