The Graph Council #35 Notes

Council members value transparency and have agreed to follow Chatham House Rules for sharing meeting notes. On September 8, 2022, The Graph Council held its 35th meeting.


Council Members (”Members”)

Alex Bourget
Jim Cousins
Yondon Fu
Mable Jiang
Justin Moses
Spencer Noon
Santiago Palladino
Brandon Ramirez
Sebastian Siemssen
Yaniv Tal

The Graph Foundation (”Foundation”)
Eva Beylin, Director, the Foundation

Observer and Note Taker
Observer: Mark Swiderski, for the Foundation
Note taker: Chloe Buffalino, for the Foundation

Council Business
The meeting commenced at 8 a.m. PST.


Governance & GIPs

The council discussed a GIP related to the deployment of The Graph contracts on Arbitrum, and the pros and cons of two potential technical approaches for handling cross-chain rewards. Specific GIPs discussed included:

Other Matters

The council discussed ideas to improve the experience for subgraph developers with respect to payment of query fees. The council discussed developer concerns about the sunset of the hosted service, and how it would be critical to ensure quality of service on the decentralized network before the transition. A Foundation representative stated that a proposed budget for 2023/2024 would be forthcoming soon.