The Graph Council - Meeting #11 Notes

Council members value transparency and have agreed to follow Chatham House Rules for sharing meeting notes. On Tuesday, August 10, 2021, The Graph Council held its 11th meeting.


Council Members (“Members”)
Brandon Ramirez
Jim Cousins
Gary Morris
Santiago Palladino
Spencer Noon
Yaniv Tal
Yondon Fu

The Graph Foundation
Eva Beylin, Director, The Graph Foundation (the “Foundation”)

Observer & Note Taker
Observer: Jeremy Sklaroff, Edge & Node Ventures, Inc. (“Edge & Node”)
Note taker: Oliver Zerhusen, The Graph Foundation (the “Foundation”)

Council Business
The meeting commenced at 11:01 am PDT


Curator Bootstrapping Rewards

One Foundation Member summarized the Council voting on the Curator Bootstrapping Rewards, which was passed with 9 Members voting in favor and 1 Abstention. Curators who were active during the first week of curation are hence eligible to claim 700 GRT as rewards for their contributions.

GIP & Protocol Updates

One Member presented his findings of the technical review of GIP Batch GNS transactions that would implement a deploy and signal feature for subgraph deployments. The MultiCall module is ported from the Uniswap V3 periphery contracts, less the payable modifier, and with a different Solidity compiler version. TokenUtils have almost the same semantic as the previous code and are not considered to introduce any issues. Members agreed to prepare this GIP for Council voting for a timely execution of the governance process. A full audit on this GIP will be performed in about 2-3 weeks time.

One Member provided an update on the Arbitration Charter and that its finalization is a high priority in order to move this along to a Council vote in the near future.

One Member provided a status update on the multisig proposal for GIP-0007 which was passed in previous Council voting. One more signature is currently needed for implementing separate slashing percentages for query and indexing disputes.

One Foundation member presented an idea to expand support in the area of Indexer growth and decentralization in the network. One Member expressed general support and referenced similar programs in other protocols. Another Member supported the idea of creating alternative initiatives to grants for those Indexers who may be more interested in different types of support models. Another Member raised the need to better understand Indexer revenue and cost assumptions, so that support initiatives can be effective and appropriate in helping Indexers bootstrap sustainable indexing operations. Another Member emphasized the need for transparent eligibility criteria and exit parameters as well as diligent oversight of such a program in an effort to minimize any risk of misappropriation. The Members agreed to proceed with working out a detailed proposal for this idea.

Core Dev Grant

One Member raised the idea of a Core Dev grant in an important area of the protocol that would stand to benefit from dedicated focus by a team with deep expertise on that subject.


Is there a chance you can share what the subject that would benefit from having a dedicated focus is? (Core Dev Grant section)

Thank you for the question. The Council continuously evaluates different opportunities that present themselves in different areas of the protocol and will share details on any opportunity that progresses to where official announcements can be made.

We have many areas of the protocol that benefit from a dedicated focus. One such example is Limechain working on the Unit Testing Framework. Everyone is welcome to apply for a grant (applications are always open) to present ideas to contribute to the Graph ecosystem with your core competencies.


Thank you for the reply.