The Graph Council - Meeting #13 Notes

Council members value transparency and have agreed to follow Chatham House Rules for sharing meeting notes. On Tuesday, September 7, 2021, The Graph Council held its 13th meeting.


Council Members (“Members”)
Brandon Ramirez
Jim Cousins
Gary Morris
Michael Anderson
Santiago Palladino
Spencer Noon
Yaniv Tal
Yondon Fu

The Graph Foundation
Eva Beylin, Director, The Graph Foundation (the “Foundation”)

Note Taker
Oliver Zerhusen, the Foundation

Council Business
The meeting commenced at 11:03 am PDT


Grant Discussions

The Members spent discussing three different grant opportunities for multi-year terms. One Member requested a review of grants and a breakdown of funding across categories.

User Council Seat

The Members discussed potential options for a User Council Member seat. The Members agreed that the Council would benefit from stronger representation for both subgraph development and consumer experience. The Members agreed on a shortlist of candidates to be interviewed by Members in the coming weeks.

Indexer Support Initiatives

The Members reviewed various ideas for promoting Indexer growth in the network as well as support programs for smaller Indexers. There are various discussions ongoing in the community expressed in different Forum posts.

GIP & Protocol Updates

The Members were made aware that a Council vote for Batch GNS transactions (deploy & signal) will be set up shortly for a vote. The Members discussed the usage of Radicle, the pros and cons communicated by various community members with that platform. One Member discussed the roadmap for using Radicle as features are developed. One Member raised the need to review Delegator and Curator experience feedback expressed in Forum posts in more detail at future Council meetings.


Thanks for sharing these notes. I am strongly in favour of more subgraph development representation on the Council.

I would also be interested in hearing more details about deeper adoption of Radicle.


Enjoyed this one myself - especially the breakdown from @Brandon on Curation proposals

Keep up the good work, everyone :v:


One option for deeper Radicle adoption in The Graph ecosystem would be to have The Graph Council use Radicle Orgs for maintaining an on-chain remote of Graph Node.

In the GIP on Subgraph Feature Versioning it is specified that The Graph Council should be responsible for specifying which version of Graph Node represents the canonical subgraph functionality. Using Radicle Orgs could be one way of going about that.

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