The Graph Council - Meeting #29 Notes

Council members value transparency and have agreed to follow Chatham House Rules for sharing meeting notes. On Tuesday, May 3, 2022, The Graph Council held its 29th meeting.


Council Members (“Members”)
Brandon Ramirez
Gary Morris
Jim Cousins
Justin Moses
Santiago Palladino
Sebastian Siemssen
Spencer Noon
Yaniv Tal
Yondon Fu

The Graph Foundation
Eva Beylin, Director, The Graph Foundation (the “Foundation”)

Observer and Note Taker
Observer: Andrew Domzalski, Edge & Node Ventures, Inc. (“Edge & Node”)
Note taker: Oliver Zerhusen, the Foundation

Council Business
The meeting commenced at 11:03 am PST


Council Structure

A Member provided an update on discussions aimed to expand the diversification of the Council structure to enhance present ecosystem representation. The Members discussed next steps to prepare implementing the proposal.


A Foundation member presented an update on a grant proposal aiming to develop standards for high quality subgraphs and to lead working groups in The Graph ecosystem. One Member raised a question to better understand long-term incentive calibration relative to the current scope of the grant. One other Member highlighted a possible strategic alignment of the grant with the Graph ecosystem. The Members agreed to continue discussions with the grantee.

A Foundation member presented a grant proposal focused on Subgraph Bridges and Reputation Subgraphs. The Members discussed the competitive landscape of reputation models in the broader web3 ecosystem and its strategic importance. The Members agreed to continue discussions with the grantee to align on the scope and anticipated efforts of implementing the proposal.

Council Charter

A Member provided an update on identifying legal expertise to support the review process of the Council Charter. The Members agreed to connect the legal teams to gather input for proposed updates to the Charter.

Delegator Council Seat

A Foundation member provided an update on a potential candidate for a Delegation Council seat. The Members weighed various pros and cons and discussed other potential candidates. The Members agreed to continue evaluating a shortlist of suitable representatives for a Delegator focused Council seat.

Governance & GIPs

One Member discussed GIP-0029, GIP-0030 and GIP-0031, all of which were published in the last few weeks in the Graph Forum. The Members agreed to prioritize implementation of GIP-0030, which has received positive response from the community and which addresses feedback received from a past audit.

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