The Graph Council - Meeting #25 Notes

Council members value transparency and have agreed to follow Chatham House Rules for sharing meeting notes. On Tuesday, March 8, 2022, The Graph Council held its 25th meeting.


Council Members (“Members”)
Brandon Ramirez
Gary Morris
Jim Cousins
Michael Anderson
Santiago Palladino
Sebastian Siemssen
Spencer Noon
Yaniv Tal
Yondon Fu

The Graph Foundation
Eva Beylin, Director, The Graph Foundation (the “Foundation”)

Observer and Note Taker
Observer: Jeremy Sklaroff, Edge & Node Ventures, Inc. (“Edge & Node”)
Note taker: Oliver Zerhusen, the Foundation

Council Business
The meeting commenced at 11:02 am PST


Firehose integration grant

Members discussed a proposal brought forward by external parties to a Core Dev team for a firehose integration on different chains. The Members discussed the strategic implications of such integrations and possible conflicts it may create to the roadmap prioritization of The Graph’s broader ecosystem. One Member also raised concerns that such effects may not be isolated to one Core Dev team, but that it may also pose spillover effects to other Core Dev teams in the ecosystem. A Foundation member agreed to provide more detailed feedback to the Core Dev team as input for their decision.


A Foundation member presented a grant proposal for complex multi-subgraph developments in an effort to establish generic methods for subgraph development. One Member raised concerns over the ability to develop generic development approaches given the unique use cases of consumers and dapps. One Member suggested an alternative structure to the grant that would focus on a longer-term strategic alignment to The Graph ecosystem. The Members agreed to continue discussions with the prospective grantee.

A Foundation member introduced a long-term grant proposal aiming to develop standards for high quality subgraphs and to lead working groups in The Graph ecosystem. One Member again raised concerns over the ability to establish specific subgraph development standards. Members discussed benefits of having deep subgraph development expertise committed to The Graph ecosystem that can provide quality feedback and share best practices with various stakeholder groups, especially with a focus on consumers. One Member agreed to conduct an interview with the potential grantee.

Foundation treasury vested token release

One Foundation member raised the proposal to release vested Foundation GRT treasury tokens. One Member stated that the vested GRT amount would be withdrawn to a Council multi-sig, from which the Foundation treasury can subsequently make requests based on demonstrated needs to support The Graph ecosystem. A Foundation member agreed to provide details of that proposal.

Council Charter

One Member proposed a review of the Council Charter and suggested enhanced transparency of the Charter with The Graph community. There is expressed interest by community members to better understand the structure within which The Graph Council operates, how decisions are arrived at and executed. The Members agreed to proceed with a review of the Council Charter and subsequent public release of the document.


Since the minutes were published prior to March 25, I assume the meeting was not actually held on March 25.

Nice catch there. It was the 25th meeting, which I had also entered incorrectly as the date. It’s corrected now, the meeting was held on March 8th. Thanks!